
来源 :河南预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzq8013
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目的对南充市女大学生口腔保健意识、行为调查分析,结合南充市女大学生的口腔现状,了解女大学生口腔保健存在的主要问题,探索适合女大学生人群的口腔保健教育模式。方法随机选取南充市三高校550名在读女大学生针对口腔保健意识、行为及知识来源途径进行问卷调查,并对回收的537份有效问卷统计分析。结果①女大学生的口腔健康状况不容乐观,口腔保健知识缺乏。②98.0%女大学生认为口腔健康十分重要,但仍有47.3%学生出现口腔问题后直到无法忍受的地步才选择就医。③女大学生口腔保健知识的主要获取途径是报刊,杂志,科普等读物,约占57.4%,最感兴趣的口腔知识是口腔预防保健知识。结论女大学生普遍知晓口腔疾病与口腔卫生状况息息相关,但缺乏口腔卫生保健相关知识导致口腔保健行为不规范、就医意识薄弱成为这一群体口腔疾病高发的主要因素。利用学校良好的教育环境,校报、广播以及专业讲座等多种途径相结合,进行以口腔预防保健知识为主的宣传教育是对在校女大学生进行口腔保健教育工作的重点。 Objective To investigate the awareness and behavior of oral health care among female college students in Nanchong City, and to find out the main problems existing in female students’ oral health and to explore the oral health education model suitable for female college students. Methods A total of 550 female college students from three colleges and universities in Nanchong City were selected to conduct a questionnaire survey on the ways of oral health care awareness, behavior and knowledge sources. 537 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Results ① The female students’ oral health status is not optimistic, lack of oral health knowledge. ②98.0% female students think oral health is very important, but 47.3% students still choose to seek medical treatment until they can not endure oral problems. ③ The main ways to obtain oral health knowledge of female college students are newspapers, magazines, popular science books and other books, accounting for 57.4%. The most important oral knowledge is oral preventive health knowledge. Conclusions Female college students generally know that oral diseases are closely related to oral health status. However, the lack of knowledge of oral health care leads to non-standard oral health care behaviors and weak medical awareness, which has become the main factor in the high incidence of oral diseases in this group. Using the school’s good educational environment, school newspapers, radio and professional lectures and other means of combining publicity and education to prevent oral health knowledge-based education is the focus of oral health education in school female college students.
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