
来源 :教育发展研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengwq1969
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苏州市田家炳实验中学地处历史文化名城苏州的盘门景区,原名为苏州市第十四中学,2001年接受香港田家炳教育基金会的无偿资助,由江苏省教育厅批准更名。学校是苏州市区一所党委建制的直属公办重点高中和江苏省示范初中,也是苏州市双语实验学校。学校占地66亩,环境精致典雅,文化氛围浓厚,是苏州市首批江苏省园林式单位。目前,初高中分设,共62个教学班,有3000名师生。学校以“敦品励学,己立立人”为校训,以“高中带动初中发展、初中支撑高中提升”为办学策略,以提高教学质量为第一要务,以特色办学为发展优势,力求为每一个家庭提供最佳的服务,让每一个学生得到最大的发展。在“不甘示弱,永不满足,誓把学校发展潜能发挥到极致”的办学精神引领下,学校走过了近50年的风雨历程,坚守着艰苦奋斗、不断进取的精神,把握了每一个转瞬即逝的机遇,以惊人的进步和每一个目标的成功实现,诠释着顽强的奋斗乏路。现已形成了“乒乓运动”、“心理健康教育”、“外事旅游教育”、“古筝、陶艺艺术教育”等特色,在省内外具有相当的影响力和知名度。 Suzhou Tianjiaping Experimental Middle School is located in Panmen Scenic Area, a historical and cultural city in Suzhou. It was originally named the 14th Middle School in Suzhou City. In 2001, it was granted free subsidy from Tian Jia Bing Education Foundation of Hong Kong and was renamed by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education. The school is directly under the central government-run key high school established by a party committee in the urban area of ​​Suzhou City and a demonstration middle school in Jiangsu Province. It is also a bilingual experimental school in Suzhou City. The school covers an area of ​​66 acres, the environment is exquisite and elegant, strong cultural atmosphere, is the first in Jiangsu Province garden-style units. At present, there are 62 teaching classes in primary and secondary schools and 3,000 teachers and students. The school is based on the motto of “Dunghua Encouraging Learning and Independence of Honor”, taking “High School Drives the Development of Junior Middle School and Junior High School to Support High School Elevating” as the strategy of running a school, improving the quality of teaching as the most important task, Each family to provide the best service, so that each student get the most development. Under the guiding principle of running a school which is “to be outdated and never satisfied, and vowed to develop the potential of the school to the limit”, the school has gone through nearly 50 years of stormy history, adhering to the spirit of hard work and continuous improvement and grasping every passing moment The fleeting opportunity, with amazing progress and the achievement of every goal, illustrates the lack of indomitable struggle. Now it has formed the characteristics of “ping-pong movement”, “mental health education”, “foreign travel education”, “guzheng and pottery art education”, and has considerable influence and popularity both inside and outside the province.
国外研究发现 ,同型半胱氨酸 [Homocyst(e)ine,H (e) ]是动脉粥样硬化的危险因素 ,与冠心病、卒中及周围血管疾病有关 ,国内少见相关报道。我们观察了脑梗死患者血清H(e)水平 ,并分析与卒中的
基础理论与应用基础研究紧距离空间中的不动点与紧几拓扑空间 陈宁1996.3多重共线性的因子判别法······……田俊忠19%.3EDTA酉己位滴定金属离子最高酸度的计算 .......