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秘诀一:攒钱如果你每年攒3,500元,连续攒20年,每年的投资回报率为10%,到时总额将超过20万元。良好的投资回报当然起作用,但攒钱也同样重要。其实,这其中有7万元是你自己积攒起来的。启示:要赚钱,你得有钱。这意味着每月要存一笔钱。秘诀二:尽早起步假设你的目标是攒20万元,但你早10年开始攒钱。你不是每年存3,500元,连续20年,而是每年存1,200元连续30年。结果如何?你实际存入的钱只有3.6万元。启示:你开始得越早,你获得的画报就越多,也就越容易达到你的投资目标。秘诀三:购买股票股票的长期回报优于债券,债券好于现金投资,如货币市场基金、国库券和储蓄。启示:如果你想获得足以抵消通货膨胀的良好的 Tip one: Save money If you save 3,500 yuan a year, save 20 consecutive years, the annual return on investment of 10%, when the total will exceed 200,000 yuan. Good investment returns certainly work, but saving money is equally important. In fact, 70,000 of these are your own savings. Inspiration: To make money, you have to have money. This means saving a monthly amount of money. Two tips: Start early Assuming your goal is to save 200,000 yuan, but you save money as early as 10 years. Instead of saving $ 3,500 a year for 20 consecutive years, you save $ 1,200 for 30 consecutive years. The result? Your actual deposit of only 36,000 yuan. Inspiration: The sooner you start, the more pictorials you get and the easier it will be to reach your investment goals. Tip # 3: Buy Stocks Stocks have better long-term returns than bonds, which are better than cash investments such as money market funds, Treasuries and savings. Apocalypse: If you want to get good enough to offset inflation
With the goal of finding serological markers to monitor patients with early as well as late-stage melanoma, we compared the levels of the cytoplasmic melanoma
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We have described a previously unreported entity ofan intussuscepted neuroendocrine carcinoma of theappendix.Our patient was a 70-year-old man whoseonly compla
BACKGROUND: Recent researches indicate that activation of potassium channel is likely to cause many kinds of cells to proliferate and differentiate; using chemi