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世界500强企业一直是中国企业学习和追赶的目标。但是,一个让企业管理层感到困惑的是:向500强企业学什么?制度?案例?管理理念?其实,500强企业持续发展的动力在于有效地构筑企业的核心竞争力。而人力资本作为知识创造之源、管理创新之源和组织发展的新动力,在企业价值创造过程中发挥的积极作用;是500强企业最为重视的经营资本,如韦尔奇最感得意的,就是他对人力资本的战功经营和管理! 构筑企业核心竞争力的首要根本就是“人力资本”。在与物质资本及货币资本的相对关系中,人力资本的重要性在不断上升并日益成为推动经济增长的核心因素。如何有效地对人力资本进行开发和管理,激活人力资本进而激活其它资本要素,已经成为企业经营管理的重要组成部分。建立以人力资本为核心的运作机制,即可使企业的每一次扩张、裂变,都可带来不可估量的资本扩张与效益增长。《向叶利饮、韦尔奇学人力资源管理》一文对人力资本的核心构成——有用能力进行了精彩的论述,本期《人力资源》刊发的“人力资本与管理创新”论坛暨2002HR经理年会中多位专家对提升人力资本价值、构建企业的核心竞争力的精辟论证让人耳目一新。而人力资 The world's top 500 enterprises have always been the target of Chinese enterprises to learn and catch up. However, a confusion for the management of the enterprise is: What to learn from the top 500? System? Case? Management philosophy? In fact, the driving force behind the continued development of the top 500 companies is to effectively build the core competitiveness of enterprises. As the source of knowledge creation, the source of management innovation and the new impetus of organizational development, human capital plays an active role in the process of enterprise value creation. It is the most important operating capital of Top 500 Enterprises. For example, Welch is most proud of it, It is his operation and management of the battle of human capital! The most important fundamental to building the core competitiveness of enterprises is “human capital ”. In the relative relationship with physical capital and monetary capital, the importance of human capital is constantly rising and is increasingly becoming a central factor in promoting economic growth. How to effectively develop and manage human capital, activate human capital and activate other capital elements has become an important part of business management. The establishment of a human capital-based operating mechanism, can make every enterprise expansion, fission, can bring immeasurable capital expansion and efficiency growth. “To Ye Liyin, Welch learning human resource management,” a text of the core components of human capital - a useful discussion of the useful ability of this issue of “Human Resources” published “Human Capital and Management Innovation” Forum And 2002HR manager annual meeting of many experts to enhance the value of human capital, build the core competitiveness of enterprises incisive argument refreshing. Human resources
[课例] 小学音乐第三册《大鹿》教学片断 师:同学们,你们听,这是什么声音?(课件1--早晨画面和配有音乐的画外音:清晨,天空晴朗,太阳公公露出了笑脸。) 师:红红起床后,看到这
一、判断题1、√2、×3、√4、× 5、√6、√7、√8、√ 9、×10、×二、选择题1、A 2、B 3、C 4、A 5、B 6、A 7、A 8、A9、A 10、C三、案例简析1、按照有关法律规定,向社
我们搞教研的同志,曾经对一年级学生的“识字量”与“用字量”作过比较深入的调查分析。以数学为例,先请看下面一组数据: We engaged in teaching and research comrades, o