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育种家曾经育出很多优质、高产、早熟的优良品种,可惜大都没与抗虫性联系起来培育,近年正在开展选育棉铃虫和棉蚜的抗虫品种工作。应该积极组织青种、昆虫、植保工作者和农民在一起大力培育对重要棉虫有抗性或耐性的优良品种。 国外比较重视抗虫品种工作,在非洲已育出抗棉叶蝉(Empoasca spp.)的棉品种。此外,对于蓟马、盲蝽、红蝽、粉虱、棉铃象虫、棉红蜘蛛和若干鳞翅目害虫有一定程度抗性的棉品种业已陆续培育出来(Newsom等,1968)。 最初,育种家大都从棉花的外部形态抗虫性状出发,例如有毛或少毛,叶片有缺刻等。后来深入到棉花的渗透压力,棉叶表皮厚度等物理性状,继而深入到腺体性状,更深入到化学成分与抗虫性的关系。步步深 Breeders have given birth to many excellent varieties with high quality, high yield and precociousness. Unfortunately, most of them have not been cultivated in association with insect resistance. In recent years, they are carrying out insect breeding work on cotton bollworm and cotton aphid. Green species, insects, plant protection workers and farmers should be actively organized to vigorously cultivate fine varieties that are resistant or tolerant to important cotton weeds. Foreign countries pay more attention to insect-resistant varieties and have developed cotton varieties resistant to Empoasca spp. In Africa. In addition, cotton cultivars that have some degree of resistance to thrips, Lygus, red bugs, whiteflies, cotton bollworm, cotton spider mites, and several lepidopteran pests have been gradually cultivated (Newsom et al., 1968). Initially, breeders mostly proceeded from the external morphological characteristics of cotton, such as hairy or less hairs, nicked leaves and more. Later, it penetrated into cotton’s osmotic pressure and cotton leaf epidermis thickness and other physical traits, then went deep into the gland trait and went deeper into the relationship between chemical composition and insect resistance. Step by step
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从罹病茶卷叶蛾(Cacoecia ingentana Christoph)、茶小卷叶蛾(Adoxophyes privatana Walker)蛹茧和一种鞘翅目成虫上分离得到拟青霉属的两个新种——斜链拟青霉(Paecilomyces
【“术”材展示】  乌镇倡议  2015年12月16~18日的第二届“世界互联网大会——乌镇峰会”的大会组委会提出《乌镇倡议》:  一、加快网络发展普及。加速互联网基础设施建设,鼓励互联网技术和应用创新交流……促进互联互通,确保互联网技术能在各国尤其是发展中国家和欠发达地区得到更广泛应用。  二、促进网络文化交流。鼓励以数字化形式保护、传承、弘扬人类优秀文化成果,加强网络空间文化交流,促进人类文化
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金jīn嗓sǎnɡ子zi,银yín嗓sǎnɡ子zi,  我wǒ有yǒu一yí副fù好hǎo嗓sǎnɡ子zi,  不bù吃chī冷lěnɡ饭fàn和hé辣là子zi,  不bù喊hǎn不bú叫jiào好hǎo孩hái子zi。  字zì正zhènɡ腔qiānɡ圆yuán读dú句jù子zi,  婉wǎn转zhuǎn悠yōu扬yánɡ唱chànɡ歌ɡē子zi。