群英荟萃 共促“海洋强国” “中国海洋材料产业技术创新联盟”成立

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“中国海洋材料产业技术创新联盟”成立大会暨“第一届中国海洋材料学术会议”于2016年6月23~25日在武汉成功召开。与会院士、领导、专家和企业家均认为联盟的成立具有重要意义,将成为我国海洋工程发展史上的一个里程碑。联盟将集合各方力量,在建立研发中心、构建材料体系、设立技术与检测标准、推动技术突破、搭建“产学研检用”相结合的技术创新体系等方面产生巨大能量,让我国海洋材料最终走向高端蓝海。 “China Ocean Materials Industry Technology Innovation Alliance ” founding conference “The first session of China Marine Materials Conference ” was successfully held in Wuhan on June 23 ~ June 2016. The academicians, leaders, experts and entrepreneurs all believed that the establishment of the alliance was of great significance and will become a milestone in the history of the development of marine engineering in our country. The alliance will pool the strength of all parties and create tremendous energy in setting up a research and development center, building a material system, setting up technical and testing standards, promoting technological breakthroughs, and building a technological innovation system combining production, education and research with a view to making China’s oceans Materials eventually move to the high-end blue ocean.
蜡染艺术在少数民族地区世代相传,形成了独特的民族艺术风格,是中国极富特色的民族艺术之花。本文从蜡染的概念和历史,种类和风格几个方面进行了论述。 Batik art in ethnic