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Objective.To investigate the frequency of p16a nd p15gene methylation in multiple myeloma (MM),and its relationship with bone marrow ce ll apoptosis and clinical outcome.Methods.Twenty-two patients with MM were stu died to detect p16and p15gene methylation.Methyla-tion-specific polymerase chain rea ction(MSP)was used to detect gene methylation,and terminal trans-ferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling(TUNEL)was used to detect cell apoptosis.Results.p16and /or p15gene methylatoin was d etected in 10of 22patients(45.4%).There were 3pa-tients with p16gene methylation,9p atients with p15gene methylation,a nd 2patients with both genes methyla-tion.The incidence of methylation o f p15gene was higher than that of p16g ene(P<0.05).The patients with p16and /or p15gene methylation had a delayed cell apoptosis,poor respon se to chemotherapy,and a short over-all survival(OS).Conclusion.The methylation of p16and /or p15gen e plays a key role in MM apoptosis path ogenesis.The patients with both p16and p15gene me thylation had a poor prognosis. Objective.To investigate the frequency of p16a nd p15gene methylation in multiple myeloma (MM), and its relationship with bone marrow ll ll apoptosis and clinical outcome. Methods. Two-two patients with MM were stu died to detect p16 and p15gene methylation. Methyla- tion-specific polymerase chain rea ction (MSP) was used to detect gene methylation, and terminal trans-ferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) was used to detect cell apoptosis. Results. p16 and / or p15gene methylatoin was d etected in 10 of 22 patients (45.4%). There were 3 pa-tients with p16 gene methylation, 9 p atients with p15 gene methylation, a nd 2 patients with both genes methyla- tion. The incidence of methylation of p15 gene was higher than that of p16 g ene (P <0.05) . The patients with p16 and / or p15 gene methylation had a delayed cell apoptosis, poor respon se to chemotherapy, and a short over-all survival (OS). Confluence. The methylation of p16 and / or p15 gen e plays a key role in MM apoptosis path ogenesis.The patients with both p16an d p15gene me thylation had a poor prognosis.
城市管理应该像绣花一样精细,只有实施最精细化的城市管理,才能适应我国城市快速发展面临的挑战。  今年3月5日,习近平总书记在上海代表团参加审议时提出,城市管理应该像绣花一样精细,只有实施最精细化的城市管理,才能适应我国城市快速发展面临的挑战。绣花,是我国最传统的手工艺之一,也是极致化的“工匠精神”的杰出代表。这既是对上海在推进大都市社会治理创新方面提出的新要求,也是对党的十八届三中全会《决定》提出
小安打开手机,一边走一边看计步器上显示的步数,她计划走到一万步就捐出去,不管为哪个项目筹款,这些步数都会起到一点微小的作用。这让她每天的快步走变得更有意义。  这样的场景并不陌生,它每天都会发生在你我他的身上。  是的,微公益,就这样潜移默化地来到了我们身边。  微公益,顾名思义就是从微不足道的公益着手、强调积少成多。而网络微公益带来的不止是捐款数额的不断攀升,还有全民参与公益方式的多元化,更让公
近年来我院诊治经痰脱落细胞或/和纤维支气管镜检查或/和病理证实的细支气管一肺泡癌共22例,其中孤立结节型5例,弥漫型17例,现分析如下。 1 一般资料 性别,男性7例,女性15例
【摘要】我国的社会经济经过初期的高速发展,目前正处于转型的关键时期,面对社会转型过程中遇到的众多问题和挑战,必须要加强社会管理,创新社会管理思路,这是保证我国社会顺利转型、稳定发展的重要措施。本文对社会转型期中国创新社会管理的路径选择问题进行深入的分析和研究,并提出可行的建议,为我国社会的转型和发展提供帮助。  【关键词】社会 转型 创新 管理  【中图分类号】D630【文献标识码】A 【文章编号
东北林业大学是一所历史悠久的、以林科为优势的教育部门直属重点高等学校,是国家“21 1工程”重点建设高校。林学实验教学中心隶属于东北林业大学林学院,成立于2004年,并于2