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目的:探讨胃癌患者sCD44v6术前水平与不同的组织学参数之间及与中医证型之间的关系,同时观察胃泰胶囊结合化疗对sCD44v6表达的影响。方法:全部入组病例在术前行中医证型分组及治疗前后行sCD44v6检测;对照组在术后3-4周均接受3~4个周期静脉化疗。试验组术后在对照组治疗基础上予以胃泰胶囊,4粒,3/日,口服,连服3个月。结果:1)血清sCD44v6水平与胃癌分化程度、浸润深度及淋巴结转移呈显著正相关。2)sCD44v6水平血瘀证最高,和脾虚证、湿热证相比有非常显著差异。3)结束治疗后试验组血清sCD44v6含量明显低于对照组。结论:1)血清sCD44v6可作为胃癌的发展、预后指标,同时也可以作为抗胃癌转移的治疗靶标。2)血清sCD44v6和血瘀证、脾虚证存在着一定的相关性。3)胃泰胶囊配合化疗能够进一步抑制胃癌患者血清sCD44v6的表达。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between sCD44v6 preoperative levels and different histological parameters in gastric cancer patients and TCM syndromes, and to observe the effect of Weitai capsule combined with chemotherapy on sCD44v6 expression. Methods: All the patients were examined with sCD44v6 before and after the treatment of TCM syndromes before and after the operation. The patients in the control group received 3 ~ 4 cycles of intravenous chemotherapy 3-4 weeks postoperatively. The experimental group was treated with Weitai Capsule on the basis of the control group after operation for 4 months, 3 days per day for 3 months. Results: 1) Serum levels of sCD44v6 were significantly and positively correlated with the degree of differentiation, depth of invasion and lymph node metastasis. 2) The highest level of sCD44v6 blood stasis, and spleen deficiency syndrome, damp-heat syndrome compared to a very significant difference. 3) After treatment, serum sCD44v6 level in the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group. Conclusion: 1) Serum sCD44v6 can be used as a marker for the development and prognosis of gastric cancer, and it can also be used as a therapeutic target against gastric cancer metastasis. 2) serum sCD44v6 and blood stasis, spleen deficiency there is a certain correlation. 3) Weitai capsule combined with chemotherapy can further inhibit the expression of sCD44v6 in patients with gastric cancer.
the essay mainly talks about the English writing problems of Chinese students.Throughout the article some knowledge related to fields of writing problems will b
自1993年7月至2004年8月我院手术治疗儿童颅咽管瘤79例,疗效满意,现报告如下.  1.对象与方法:男45例,女34例.年龄2~15岁,平均9岁;年龄分布:2~7岁17例,8~12岁33例,13~15岁29例.临床表现:头痛41例,呕吐37例,视力下降26例,视野障碍19例,头围增大35例,多饮多尿21例,肥胖8例,身材矮小39例;第二性征发育滞后34例,发育超前11例.内分泌检查: 生长激
患者女,70岁.因左上臂肿物8个月,于2005年7月15日入院.患者于1995年11月曾行左乳腺癌根治术,术后应用直线加速器放射治疗5周,化疗4个疗程.1999年春天开始左上臂肿胀,8个月前发现左上臂出现鸡蛋大肿物,无疼痛不适感,后肿物逐渐增大.体检:左上臂尺侧有一6 cm×6 cm×5 cm大小肿物,质韧,边界较清,表面光滑,活动度差.B超:左上臂内侧软组织内探及一7 cm×6 cm×5 cm的
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The purpose of the research is to ex- plore the effect of different surface modifiers in preparation of magnetic carriers-supported cis-plat- inum (CDDP) comple
患者男,57岁,发现眼黄尿黄1周往外院。查甲、乙、丙、丁、戊肝炎病毒(-),胆红素100μmol/L,直接胆红素78μmol/L,谷丙转氨酶正常,癌胚抗原200μg/L,CA19-9 170U/ml,甲胎蛋白(-)。上腹部B超CT示胰头4.5cm×4cm占位伴肝内广泛转移,肝内外胆管扩张,考虑胰腺癌。遂行外科手术,术中发现癌块较大并包绕门静脉与肠系膜上血管、无法手术切除。行胆总管空肠吻合术。术后黄