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为研究与肺癌有关的职业与环境危害,选取194名死于事故并经组织学检查验证的原发肺癌病例(男146例,女48例),并选194名住院病人和194名普通人群作对照,由训练有素的调查人员用标准询问调查表询问吸烟情况、职业史和居住史。为使本调查包括多种不同的环境接触情况,特意从7所地处各异(从农村到高度工业化地区)的医院选取肺癌病例。调查结果表明,肺癌危险度随吸烟累积量增加而明显上升,年吸烟400盒以上的男性,比数比(OR)高达16.19(95%CL:5.10,51.33);年吸烟200盒以上的女性,OR高达19.99(95%CL:4.98,80.24)。在职业接触致肺癌物方面,接触量最大的男性组、OR为2.7(95%CL:1.23,5.78)。在冶金工业,尤其是冶炼工人和铸造工人,肺癌危险度明显上升,OR为4.8(95%CL:1.15,20.16),而车工的OR却为2.2(95%CL:1.05,4.75)。在建 To study the occupational and environmental risks associated with lung cancer, 194 primary lung cancer cases (146 males and 48 females) who died from the accident and were confirmed by histological examination were selected and 194 inpatients and 194 general population selected In contrast, well-trained investigators used standard questionnaires to ask about smoking status, occupational history and residency history. Lung cancer cases were deliberately selected from 7 hospitals located in different places (from rural areas to highly industrialized areas) for the purpose of including many different environmental exposures in this survey. The results showed that the risk of lung cancer increased significantly with the cumulative amount of smoking, and the odds ratio (OR) was 16.19 (95% CL: 5.10,51.33) in men who smoked more than 400 boxes per year. In women who smoked more than 200 boxes per year, OR is as high as 19.99 (95% CL: 4.98, 80.24). In the case of occupational exposure to lung cancer, the OR was 2.7 (95% CL: 1.23, 5.78) for the male group with the highest exposure. In the metallurgical industry, especially smelters and foundry workers, the risk of lung cancer increased significantly, with an OR of 4.8 (95% CL: 1.15, 20.16) and a turndown of 2.2 (95% CL: 1.05, 4.75). Under construction
毛泽东之所以知识渊博学贯古今,因为他是一个最会学习极肯求师的人。“三人行,必有我师焉”是毛泽东自幼信奉的名言。毛泽东尊师的故事,一直传为美谈。  其实,毛泽东尊重的老师,除了大家所熟知的毛宇居先生杨怀中先生徐特立同志等几个外,尚有多人,仅隆回县(旧属宝庆府邵阳县)就有袁吉六和孙俍工两位先生。不过,他们当年对毛泽东的深刻影响和亲密关系,以及种种轶事,直至现在还鲜为人知。    一    毛泽东的书法
由于嫁接茄子有着很大栽培优势 ,在生产实践中我们发现 ,多数菜农在嫁接过程中存在着关键技术不到位,直接影响到栽培产量 ,甚至导致栽培失败。因此 ,我们通过几年实践 ,摸索出