Distributed Packet-Aware Routing Scheme Based on Dynamic Network Coding

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiameng
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In this paper, we study transmission of packets with time constraints in cooperative 5G wireless networks. As we know, the packets which are transmitted with large delay become useless and have to be dropped. In order to minimize packet dropping probability, we consider multiple transmission methods and integrate packet scheduling with adaptive network coding method selection. Firstly we introduce queue length to obtain the gain of network. Based on this, we present the dynamic coding-aware routing metric, which can increase potential coding opportunities. Moreover, we propose a distributed packet-aware transmission routing scheme based on the above routing metric, which can discover the available paths timely and efficiently. Simulation results show that the proposed method can reduce average packet dropping probability with lower computational complexity. In this paper, we study transmission of packets with time constraints in cooperative 5G wireless networks. As we know, the packets which are transmitted with large delay become useless and have to be dropped. methods and integrate packet scheduling with adaptive network coding method selection. Among on we, we propose the dynamic coding-aware routing metric, which can increase potential coding opportunities. Moreover, we propose a distributed packet-aware transmission routing scheme based on the above routing metric, which can discover the available paths timely and efficiently. Simulation results show that the proposed method can reduce average packet dropping probability with lower computational complexity.
1  它是美国美术大师邦艾斯泰的(),这幅作品距今已有70年的历史了。  2  为了纪念()先生在天文普及方面的贡绩献以及作为艺术家的功绩,小行星11949被命名为KAGAYAYUTAKA。
目的 探讨综合康复训练对女性精神分裂症患者阴性症状的影响,为临床实施精神康复提供可靠依据.方法 2011年4-11月选取60例女性精神分裂症患者进行3个月的综合康复训练,内容包括始动性训练、社交活动训练、药物处置训练、模拟社会生活训练,采用集体授课和训练相结合的方式,进行讲解、示范、看录像、情景讨论和角色扮演.采用阴性症状评定量表,分别于患者人组训练前、训练后1个月及训练后3个月对患者进行评定.结
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