
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oliver777
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27 patients (26 women and 1 man), all in contact with artificial nails, were tested for acrylic compounds, known to be present in nail cosmetics. The patch test results obtained in these patients demonstrated that 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and ethyl cyanoacrylate were the only 2 allergens needed to diagnose contact allergy to acrylic-containing nail cosmetics, except for 1 patient who reacted only to her nail preparation used and in which we were unable to identify the allergen. This concerns clearly a limited number of patients. The purpose was, however, to detect the most valuable allergen(s) to be used in a dermatologist’ s practice, in which not all possible allergens can be tested, in order to diagnose such cases. 27 patients (26 women and 1 man), all in contact with artificial nails, were tested for acrylic compounds, known to be present in nail cosmetics. The patch test results obtained in these patients were that that 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and ethyl cyanoacrylate were the only 2 allergens needed to diagnose contact allergy to acrylic-containing nail cosmetics, except for 1 patient who reacted only to her nail preparation used and in which we were unable to identify the allergen. This concern clearly a limited number of patients. The purpose was , however, to detect the most valuable allergen (s) to be used in a dermatologist ’s practice, in which not all possible allergens can be tested, in order to diagnose such cases.
20 0 2年 10月 2 5日 ,由国电自动化研究院稳定技术研究所研制开发的“OPS- 1紧急控制在线预决策系统”通过了国家电力公司组织的鉴定。鉴定意见认为 ,该系统是我国自行研制
[目的]掌握皇岗口岸蝇类、蜚蠊的本底情况,为制定有效的防治措施提供依据.[方法] 2008年1-12月采用笼诱法对皇岗口岸的蝇类进行了调查,采用盒式诱捕法进行蜚蠊调查.[结果]捕