First Occurrence of M andarinoite in China

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmh116
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This report describes the first occurrence of the rare mineral mandarinoite (Fe3+2 Se3Og · 6H2O) in China. It occurs in the Lower Permian Maokou Formation carbonaceous shale in Yutangba Village east of Enshi City in southwestern Hubei Province. The shale is selenium-rich and contains native selenium, V-Mo-Cr-bearing iron oxide, clay and quartz. Weathering of the selenium in the bedrock under moderate to high redox conditions in the presence of ferric iron has formed mandarinoite. This occurs describes the first occurrence of the rare mineral mandarinoite (Fe3 + 2 Se3Og · 6H2O) in China. It occurs in the Lower Permian Maokou Formation carbonaceous shale in Yutangba Village east of Enshi City in southwestern Hubei Province. The shale is selenium-rich and contains native selenium, V-Mo-Cr-bearing iron oxide, clay and quartz. Weathering of the selenium in the bedrock under moderate to high redox conditions in the presence of ferric iron has formed mandarinoite.
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