
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjn000800
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北京顺义:属地财税收入突破70亿元2005年北京市顺义区完成属地财税收入71.1亿元,同比增长41%。其中,实现地方财政收入16.8亿元,同比增收4.72亿元,增长39%。顺义工财政收入的持续快速增长主要得益于财政部门在区委、区政府的领导下,牢固树立科学娄展观,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的作用,积极发展地方经济。一是研究、优化区域政策,改善投资环境,搭建投融资平台,吸引社会投资。二是灵活运用贷款贴息、融资担保、发展资金等财政资金的导向作用,带动企业自主开发创新,促进高新技术产业、现代制造业等高端产业发展,提高经济运行质量。三是加快以部门预算、国库集中支付、政府采购为主的财政改革步伐,不断提高财政部门的理财水平。四是密切与国税局、地税局等相关部门协调沟通,加强对航空业、制造业和建筑行业等不同类型企业的收入情况调研,加大对税源监管和税收监控力度,确保财政收入及时足额入库。(李飞) Beijing Shunyi: Fiscal and tax revenue exceeded 70 billion yuan In 2005, Shunyi District, Beijing completed fiscal and fiscal revenue 7.11 billion yuan, an increase of 41%. Among them, the local financial revenue was 1.68 billion yuan, an increase of 472 million yuan, an increase of 39%. The sustained and rapid growth of financial revenue of Shunyi mainly benefited from the financial sector under the leadership of the district party committee and district government, firmly established the scientific concept of Lou exhibition, give full play to the role of the market in the allocation of resources, and actively develop the local economy. First, research, optimize regional policies, improve the investment environment, build a platform for investment and financing to attract social investment. Second, we will make flexible use of the guiding role of financial funds such as loan interest subsidy, financing guarantee and development fund to stimulate enterprises to independently develop and innovate, promote the development of high-tech industries such as high-tech industries and modern manufacturing industries, and improve the quality of economic operation. Third, we will speed up the pace of fiscal reforms that focus on departmental budgeting, treasury centralized payment and government procurement, and continuously raise the level of financial management in the financial sector. Fourth, closely coordinate with the relevant departments such as the IRS, Local Taxation Bureau and other relevant departments to strengthen investigation and study of the income of different types of enterprises in the aviation industry, manufacturing industry and construction industry, increase the supervision over tax sources and tax revenue, and ensure the timely and full financial revenue Storage. (Li Fei)
以 BaF_2和 WO_3为原料用高温固相反应法制得 Ba_2WO_3F_4荧光体,测定了 X-射线粉末衍射、激发光谱和发射光谱,探讨了合成反应条件及晶体结构对发光性质的影响. The Ba_2WO_
<正> 本书由中国社会科学院东欧中亚研究所赵乃斌、姜士林主编,已于1995年8月由当代世界出版社出版。私有化是原苏联东欧国家在经济转轨过程中对所有制结构进行变革的一种途径。各国的做法略有差异,有几点是共同的。第一,变革单一的公有制结构和形式,明晰产权并使产权转移,扩大私有经济成分,但并非将全部国有财产私有化。第二,打破国家垄断,形成市场经济的竞争机制。一般分小私有化和大私有化两个阶段。该书根据第一手材料编写而成,既从宏观上即各国的私有化政策和目标,又从微观上即具体做法上介绍了前苏联东欧国家所