
来源 :检察理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangtianxin1818
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社会治安综合治理是党中央从我国国情出发,提出的具有中国特色的整顿社会治安的总方针,是解决社会治安问题、维护社会稳定,实现国家长治久安的根本途径。当前在全党、全社会全面强化社会治安综合治理工作的形势下,深入探讨检察机关参与社会治安综合治理的主要渠道和基本方式,对于更好地发挥检察机关的职能作用,进一步推进社会治安综合治理的整体工程建设具有十分重要的意义。一、明确检察机关参与社会治安综合治理的渠道和方式,是充分发挥检察机关职能作用 The comprehensive management of social order is the general principle put forward by the party Central Committee starting from our country’s conditions and featuring Chinese characteristics and aimed at rectifying social order and security. It is the fundamental way to solve social order problems, safeguard social stability and achieve long-term peace and stability of our country. Under the current situation of comprehensively strengthening the comprehensive management of social order by the entire party and the whole society, the main channels and basic methods for procuratorial organs to participate in the comprehensive management of public order and security are discussed in depth. In order to better exert the functions and functions of the procuratorial organs and further promote the comprehensive application of social order, The overall construction of governance is of great significance. First, a clear prosecutors involved in the comprehensive management of public security channels and ways is to give full play to the functions of the procuratorial organs
终于有人敢于公开地举起一面旗了! 尽管此刻离张承志疾呼《以笔为旗》已去两年;尽管今天仍有不少人认为“旗手”们孤独的理想主义、悲壮的醒世檄文、偏执的宗教情绪显然与这
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