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  关键词:中式英语 原因 表现 解决方法
  Chinglish refers to spoken or written English language that is influenced by Chinese language. The term "Chinglish" is commonly applied to ungrammatical or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts, and may have pejorative or deprecating connotations. Other terms used to described the phenomenon include "Chinese English", "China English", and "Sinicized English".
  The causes of Chinglish
  Different thinking modes of Chinese and Westerners: Chinese and English as parts of their cultures develop in quite different routes. They are not close linguistic relatives, this thus pose cultural barriers in expression between Chinese and English. Language is the essential part of culture. Therefore, people with different culture have different thinking modes, thus lead to the different ways of expression in language.
  Disagreement with its context: Due to the different culture background, even on the same social occasion, Chinese and English have different social etiquette, so they have different expressions. If we just directly translate the Chinese expressions to English, it will also cause Chinglish. We all know that when we meet each other, Chinese and English greet in different way. We should figure out the inner relationships of culture, language and scenes.
  Cultural differences: Cultural difference is another reason which will lead to Chinglish. For example, Britain is a island country, so British live by fishing and seafaring. Therefore, many expressions are associated with water , fish and sea. In contrast, china is an agricultural country, and farming is our livelihood. So there are many expressions about land and cow. For example, if we say a person spends money without restriction.
  Traditions: China has a long history with many traditional habits and features. In our spoken and written expressions of English, we tends to organize the language in our mother tongue subconsciously. Then we translate mother tongue to English, usually in a word-to-word way of translation. Therefore, we are confined by the thinking modes of our mother tongue and thus causing Chinglish. On language, the tradition embodies in greetings, compliments, making thanks, receiving gifts and so on.
  Effective solutions to Chinglish
  Do not take the words at their face level: One English word may have more than one meaning just like Chinese character. It is important to cultivate our language sense and our English thinking mode to overcome our mother tongue’s disturbance. We can use our spare time to reading more English version novels to cultivate our reading interest and habit.   Learn more about western culture: It is also important to learn more about the culture of west countries. Cultural difference plays a very critical role in language study. So when we study a foreign language, we should learn its culture at the same time.
  Do not afraid of mistakes: It is easy to make mistake during our English study process. And we can’t express every sentence very exact in English. But we can make progress from mistakes and make our English more professional. As we all know, practice makes perfect.
  Do more reading, speaking and writing practice: It is well known that language input is the basement for language output. Reading,speaking and writing can enrich the student’s expressing methods and broaden their ideas. We should start with English way of thinking which is the main point.
  [1]Hu, Xiaoqiong. (2004). Why China English should stand alongside British, American, and the other ‘world Englishes’English Today. 78 (20.2). 26-33
  [2]Pinkham, Peter. The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish.Beijing: Foreign language Teaching and Research Press, 1998
  [4]韩玲.《“中国英语”研究现状分析》[J].外语与外语教学, 2007
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