Optimization Design System for Composite Structures Based on Grid Technology

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxin_1
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To solve the topology optimization of complicated multi-objective continuous/discrete design variables in aircraft structure design, a Parallel Pareto Genetic Algorithm (PPGA) is presented based on grid platform in this paper. In the algorithm, the commercial finite element analysis (FEA) software is integrated as the calculating tool for analyzing the objective functions and the filter of Pareto solution set based on weight information is introduced to deal with the relationships among all objectives. Grid technology is utilized in PPGA to realize the distributed computations and the user interface is developed to realize the job submission and job management locally/remotely. Taking the aero-elastic tailoring of a composite wing for optimization as an example, a set of Pareto solutions are obtained for the decision-maker. The numerical results show that the aileron reversal problem can be solved by adding the limited skin weight in this system. The algo-rithm can be used to solve complicated topology optimization for composite structures in engineering and the computation efficiency can be improved greatly by using the grid platform that aggregates numerous idle resources. To solve the topology optimization of complicated multi-objective continuous / discrete design variables in aircraft structure design, a Parallel Pareto Genetic Algorithm (PPGA) is presented based on grid platform in this paper. In the algorithm, the commercial finite element analysis (FEA) software is integrated as the calculation tool for analyzing the objective functions and the filter of Pareto solution set based on weight information is introduced to deal with the relationships among all objectives. Grid technology is utilized in PPGA to realize the distributed computations and the user interface is developed the realize the job submission and job management locally / remotely. Taking the aero-elastic tailoring of a composite wing for optimization as an example, a set of Pareto solutions are obtained for the decision-maker. The numerical results show that the aileron reversal problem can be solved by adding the limited skin weight in this system. The algo-rithm can be used to solve com plicated topology optimization for composite structures in engineering and the computation efficiency can be improved greatly by using the grid platform that aggregates numerous idle resources.
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