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  【Abstract】Using language to communicate is the most basic and important viability and social behavior. Effective use of language communication skills, improving our interpersonal skills can help us better communicate.
  Politeness principle is a civilized means of communication, widely used by a variety of social groups. People should not only follow the cooperative principle but also the politeness principle in order to achieve the purpose of effective communication by taking some strategies of politeness.
  【Key Words】Politeness Principle, Phatic Communion, Strategies
  I. The Concept of Politeness Principle
  The politeness principle was put forward on the basis of Grice’s “Cooperative Principle”. [1]Grice thinks that in all kinds of phatic communion, there are communicative maxims for specific goals. The maxims are called cooperative principle which includes four maxims: Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Relevant Maxim and Manner Maxim. The cooperative principle has explained the meanings of indirect use of language but it haven’t explained why people use indirect language rather than bluntly communicate. So the British linguist Leech put forward “Politeness Principle” to compensate the deficiency of cooperative principle.
  The first maxim of politeness principle is tact maxim. It means as little as possible to make others suffer, as much as possible to make others benefit. For example:
  a.Take me home.
  b.Could you possibly take me home?
  From the point of hearer, the hearer in “a” suffers more, so it’s polite to say in that way; on the contrary, the hearer in “b” has more freedom to make choice, so it’s polite.
  The second one is generosity maxim which means as little as possible to make yourself benefit, that’s to say, as much as possible to make yourself suffer. For example:
  a.I can lend you my dictionary.
  b.You can lend me your dictionary.
  From the hearer’s point of view, the expression of “a” is more polite than “b”. As for speaker, they suffer more. In daily life, I always face the situation of how to express politely and gently. I would like to make myself suffer more in order to make things go smoothly.
  The third one is approbation maxim which means that one should minimize to belittle others and maximize to praise others.
  The fourth one is modesty maxim which means that one should minimize to praise himself and maximize to belittle himself.   The fifth one is agreement maxim which means to minimize divergences between the two sides and maximize agreements of the two sides.
  The last one is sympathy maxim which means to minimize antipathy for others and maximize sympathy for others. For example:
  Mary’s dog is lost.
  a.It’s the most unfortunate thing I have heard today. I sympathize with you a lot.
  b.You can have another one.
  We know the first answer abides by the sympathy maxim, because the hearer show his full sympathy for the speaker. But the second answer pays little attention to the speaker’s feeling.
  II. The Politeness Principle Applied to Phatic Communion
  1. Tact Maxim and Generosity Maxim
  We can analyse tact maxim together with generosity maxim, because they are two aspects of one problem that refers to how to treat oneself and others. Tact maxim is considered to be the most important principle of politeness. Westerners think if utterances are tactful, they are polite. In other words, polite language is just tactful language. Westerners sometimes use indirect speech utterances in phatic communion in order to obtain tactful result. Let us see some examples:
  a.Cook a meal for me.
  b.I want you to cook a meal for me.
  c.Will you cook a meal for me?
  d.Would you mind cooking a meal for me?
  From “a” to “b”, the level of directness of the speech act is decreasing but the level of politeness is increasing. “Although the purpose of the speaker is the same, the level of politeness is increasing with constant increase of the level of indirectness. So the speaker can choose a tactful way to express in order to reach expected level of politeness.”[2]
  2. Approbation Maxim and Modesty Maxim (下转第126页)(上接第124页)
  Approbation maxim and modesty maxim are also the two aspects of one another problem. The former refers to how to treat others and the latter refers to how to treat oneself. In English culture, people like to praise others, such as “how nice your car is!”, “What a beautiful girl!”. At the same time, they also like to be praised by others. When they get praise from others, they will say “Thank you” happily. The case is not like this in Chinese. Chinese people would rather belittle themselves than directly accept others’ praise.
  3. Agreement Maxim
  In English culture, when people want to express different opinions, they often say “Sorry”, “Excuse me” before they show their disagreements. For example:   a.I like these paintings. They are beautiful.
  b.I am afraid I don’t have an eye for beauty.
  Through the two sentences, we can find that “b” doesn’t agree with “a”, but he doesn’t express his view directly. He makes a negative comment on those paintings with euphemistic words. This answer minimizes the possibility of divergence and increases the level of agreement, which embodies agreement maxim.
  4. Sympathy Maxim
  “In English phatic communion, sympathy maxim can be found in the euphemistic expression of ‘death’.”[3] Showing sympathy for the dead or their families, people don’t directly talk about death.
  III. Politeness Principle and Intercultural Language Communication
  Pragmatic ability is the basis of communicative competence and better use of it can ensure successful communication. In communication, the two sides should pay attention to pragmatics, for example:
  Teacher: Someone has forgot to lock the door yesterday.
  Student: It wasn’t me.
  The teacher uses the indefinite pronoun “someone” to avoid pointing out the student’s name in order to keep face for him. The example embodies the importance of pragmatics in phatic communion.
  Hu Wenzhong and Grove put forward some priciples that help better communicate with Chinese, for example: “ say ‘no’ politely as much as possible; criticize the other side in private; don’t show anger and so on.”[4]
  Above all, people should have relatively strong capability of cultural identity in intercultural communication. Cultural identity is human’s consensus and acceptance for cultural tendency. Cultural identity is the pragmatic factor to guide intercultural communication. All sides should pay attention to custom feature of politeness principle, master practical application of its maxims and obey appropriate pragmatics in order to succeed in intercultural communication.
  [1] Grice, H. P. Logic and Conversation [A]. Cole, P. &Morgan, J. Syntax and Semantics [C]. New York Academic Press, 1975. 44.
  [2] 周文博. 中西礼貌原则对比分析 [J]. 黑龙江教育学院学报, 2007, 33(10): 21-23.
  [3] 宣纳新. 跨文化交际中礼貌原则与英语教学 [J]. 南通纺织职业技术学院学报, 2005, 27(4): 11.
  [4] Hu, Wengzhong & C.L. Grove Encountering the Chinese: A Guide for Americans[M]. Yamouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1991. 14-15.
《老人与海》,作者:海明威。这本小说是海明威的一部中篇小说,也是他生前所写的最后一部小说。  小说里写的是一位年迈的老渔夫,已经84天没有捕到鱼了,但是他并没有放弃,不停地出海捕鱼。终于,他捕到了一条大鱼,一条极大的马林鱼。但这时的他,没有力气,顶着饥饿,没有武器,而且他的左手还抽着筋。可他不抛弃、不放弃,经过艰难的搏斗,张于在第三天的早晨,他将鱼叉刺进了马林鱼的心脏。  可是,故事远远没有这样就
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“民以食为天”。在人们的日子越过越红火的当今,每逢婚丧嫁娶、庆生祝寿、上梁乔迁等红白喜事,农牧民们都会操办“流水席”,热情款待亲朋好友、四邻八舍。它便成了一种乡土民俗文化的新体现。特别是举行婚宴时,也不像城里人那样到饭店酒楼去包几桌酒席,而是在自家的院子里搭起棚子,垒起灶台,请两个乡厨,自己做酒席来宴请所有的亲朋好友。这种习俗从古一直延续到今,无论穷家富户,家家都是如此。  农村操办“流水席”时,
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【摘 要】栾凯先生作为中国当代著名的军旅作曲家,他所创作的声乐作品有着极强的时尚感,强烈的创新思维贯穿于作品的始终;注重古典美与时尚美、传统思维与现代趋势、电子音乐与交响音乐的多元化时空结合,具有极强的艺术感染力。  【关键词】栾凯;声乐作品;创作;艺术风格  栾凯,中国当代著名军旅作曲家、音乐人,现任解放军艺术学院音乐系教授、研究生导师,全军艺术高级专业技术资格评审委员会委员。栾凯先生创作的作品
【摘 要】党的十八届三中全会以“促进社会公平正义,增进人民福祉”为出发点,提出了“促进基本公共文化服务标准化、均等化”目标。公共文化服务的标准化、均等化,是构建现代公共文化服务体系的两个基本要求和主攻方向。然后,由于城乡二元结构的长期影响,我国县级以下公共文化服务体系十分薄弱,要解决城乡之间的公共文化服务均等化,实行城乡标准化服务供给,应该把重点放在县域公共文化服务体系建设上来,构建一个“管理在县
【摘 要】与城市富足的信息和繁荣的信息传播状况相比,我国诸多农村地区由于经济、体制和传媒等主客观因素,出现了信息接收不畅、信息资源不足等多方面信息传播缺位问题。农村居民应有的信息需求无法得到满足,也反过来阻碍了农村发展。为了避免这种形势的严峻化,除了农村经济需要改善之外,信息传播的基础设施建设、传媒体制建设等都须跟进。在社会主义新农村建设的推动下,农村信息传播面临巨大的挑战,但同时也拥有广阔的发展