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抓好饮食行业食、饮具的消毒管理是保障人民健康的重要课题。在实际管理工作中,我们进行了有益的探索,本文拟就如何搞好饮食行业食、饮具的消毒管理,谈几点看法。1 实行分类管理的可行性 食品卫生法明文规定,饮食行业的食、饮具必须进行消毒,国家也颁布了《食(饮)具消毒卫生标准》。但是,由于饮食行业各单位所处的地区经济文化发展水平不同,其所具备的卫生条件也存在差异,因此,这就决定了不同地区之间管理方式、方法和措施的不一致 Do a good job in the food industry, food and beverage disinfection management is to protect people’s health an important issue. In the actual management, we conducted a useful exploration, this article is about how to do a good job in the food and beverage industry, tableware disinfection management, to talk about several points. 1 The feasibility of implementing classification management Food hygiene law expressly provides that the food and beverage industry in the food industry must be disinfected, and the state has also promulgated the “food (drink) disinfection health standards.” However, due to the different level of economic and cultural development in different regions of the catering industry, the sanitary conditions they have are also different. Therefore, this determines the inconsistency of the management methods, methods and measures among different regions
编辑同志: 我是安徽的一名农村读者,幼年时不慎误伤,失去一睾丸。现已该结婚成家了,我忧心忡忡,耽会因此影响生育及夫妻生活,请通大夫指教。 安徽 邓强 Editor’s Comrade:
@@我国正在进入建设社会主义和谐社会的重要历史阶段,我国的“三农”工作也将随之发生重大变化: 一是在建设和谐社会的大背景下,我国的“三农”工作将面临前所未有的机遇,
最近,世界卫生组织对人的身体健康制订了新的标准,它包括躯体和心理的健康状态。 躯体健康可用“五快”来衡量: ①吃得快:进食时有良好的胃口,不挑剔食物,能快速吃完一餐。