我们在临床工作中,接触各种各样的高血压病人,他们中有相当多病历对高血压病及高血压病的治疗问题上,存在以下认识偏差和误区:1对高血压认识模糊 因过去曾有血压随年龄每增长10岁,收缩压可增高10mmHg的说法,特别是部分老年病人,抱着岁数大点血压也应高点的错误认识。1999年WTO已明确规定:凡18岁以上成年人,无论年龄如何,只要收缩压≥140mmHg或舒张压≥90mmHg,都应确诊为高血压。对这一概念,知之甚少。
We are in clinical work, exposure to a variety of hypertensive patients, many of them have a lot of medical records on the treatment of hypertension and hypertension problems, there are the following misconceptions and misunderstanding: 1 fuzzy understanding of hypertension due to the past There have been increases in blood pressure with age for each 10-year-old, systolic blood pressure can be increased 10mmHg argument, especially in some elderly patients, holding older blood pressure should also be high point of error. 1999 WTO has clearly stipulated that: All adults over the age of 18, regardless of age, as long as systolic blood pressure ≥ 140mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90mmHg, should be diagnosed with hypertension. Little is known about this concept.