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不知什么时候开始留意“郭润康”这个如今在集邮界让人尊敬的名字,可能是在看邮文时,顺便看了一下作者,文章看的多了,就慢慢记住了;又或是在他人写的文章中经常提到“郭润康”,提的多了,也就慢慢有了印象。给我印象比较深的,是在《中国集邮报》上看到郭老写的关于贺年有奖明信片的收藏分析文章。像这样分析贺年片的各种规律特点,我也比较喜欢做,但是由于每年收到的贺年片有限,也就无从更深入地进行了解,但每有所得,也会欣赏而喜。而在看到郭老写的此类文章时,自是不会“轻易放过”,取出自己收集的贺年片——对照比较,每明白一个疑问,便有豁然开朗之感,收集的乐趣自在其中。 Do not know when to begin to pay attention to “Guo Run-Kang,” now respected in the philatelist’s name, may be reading the post, by the way looked at the author, the article read more, and slowly remembered; or Articles written by others often referred to “Guo Run-kang,” mentioned more, it slowly got the impression. Impressed me more, is in the “China National Philatelic News” Guo Lao Guo wrote on the New Year’s prize-winning postcards collection analysis article. I also prefer to do some analysis on the regularity of New Year’s films. However, since there are limited New Year’s films received each year, I can not understand them more deeply, but I appreciate and enjoy every single income. When I read this kind of article written by Guo Lao, I would not “easily let go” and took out the New Year’s films I collected. In contrast, every time I understand a doubt, I suddenly feel joyful and enjoyable among them.
目的:研究首发精神分裂症患者采用氨磺必利和利培酮治疗的临床效果.方法:病例样本为2016 年11 月-2019 年11 月时间段我院收治的82 例首发精神分裂症患者,随机分为研究组和对
  Background: L-arginine and its metabolites such as L-citrulline play an important role in the functions of biology, many of the arginine metabolites and arg
目的:探讨氨甲环酸在老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者围手术期的应用效果.方法:随机抽取 99 例患者,均是于 2018 年 7 月-2020 年 2 月在我院中治疗的老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者,任意分成
目的:探讨产后出血应用卡孕栓联合缩宫素治疗的效果分析.方法:选取2018 年3 月至2019 年3 月于我院就诊的产后出血的产妇80 例作为研究对象,并随机分为对照组与观察组,对照组
目的:分析流产后优质计划生育服务中的干预措施及临床效果.方法:采取随机分组方式,将 2018 年 1 月~2018 年 6 月我院接收的 80 例流产患者随机分为两组,对照组和观察组均为 4