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圣安东尼奥消息:利用高压氧舱为病人重建颌骨已明显增加了这种手术的成功率。E Marx在Wilford Hall的美国空军医学中心报告,他们取得的成功率为94%,而以往文献记载的平均人成功率为50%。 Marx成功地对100多名作过下颌切除和由于治疗肿瘤而患放射性骨坏死的病人行再造术。他们的技术包括在术前将病人置于2.5大气压下含100%氧的高压舱中共20天,术后再加10天。每天在高压氧舱中,病人吸入30分钟 San Antonio News: The use of hyperbaric oxygen chambers to rebuild jaws for patients has significantly increased the success rate of this procedure. E Marx reported at the Air Force Medical Center in Wilford Hall that they achieved a 94% success rate, compared to 50% average success rate documented in the past. Marx succeeded in rehabilitating more than 100 patients who underwent mandibular resection and who had had radioactive osteonecrosis due to the treatment of tumors. Their technique consisted of preoperatively placing the patient in a hyperbaric chamber containing 100% oxygen at 2.5 atmospheres for 20 days followed by 10 days postoperatively. In the hyperbaric chamber daily, the patient inhales for 30 minutes
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明太祖朱元璋当政31年,以“严猛 之治”著称于世,他亲手制造过许多震惊 朝野的大血案,许多功勋卓著的大臣和 士子,被他毫无理由地野蛮杀害,可以说 到了“贤否不分,善恶不辨”
患者杨××、女、11岁,学生、住院号24614。于1980年8月23日因失声25天而入院。原于1980年7月28日18时许,因玩耍时不慎将一节狗尾巴草茎吞下,当时无咳 Yang × × patients