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茲将各种节日对各部门苏联专家的放假办法和假日招待办法通知如下,请依照执行。一、元旦、春节、五一劳动部、八一建军节和国庆节,对苏联专家均按本院一九四九年十二月二十三日公布的统一规定放假。二、十月革命节对苏联专家一律于十一月七日、八日放假两日。三、十二月五日斯大林宪法日对苏联专家放假一日。二月二十三日苏联红军节对军事专家放假一日。四、以上假日,如遇星期日应补假一日。五、每年国庆节,中央依惯例办理,各地由有苏联专家工作的地区的主要首长统一宴请一次。六、每年春节由各聘有苏联专家的机关、学校首长分别宴请本部门的苏联专家一次。本部门在工作上经常与苏联专家接触的负责同志和翻译可参加陪客。七、如苏联专家需在十月革命节出面宴请各机关、学校首长,所需费用可向掌管专家招待费的部门报销。 I hereby give the following festivals on the holiday methods and holiday entertainment methods of Soviet experts in various departments. Please follow the instructions. I. New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Labor Day of May 1, Army Day of August 1 and National Day, the experts of the Soviet Union are required to take holidays in accordance with the uniform regulations promulgated by the Court on December 23, 1949. Second, the October Revolution Day Soviet Union experts will be on November 7, 8 holiday for two days. Third, on December 5, Stalin Constitution Day will be on the 1st for Soviet experts. February 23 Soviet Red Army Day holiday of military experts on the 1st. Fourth, the above holidays, in case of sun should be replaced on the 1st day. Fifth, every year National Day, the Central Committee will handle the matter in accordance with the conventions, and all the major heads of regions in the regions where Soviet experts work will be reunified. Sixth, Spring Festival every year by the hiring of Soviet experts, school heads were invited to the Soviet Union experts once the department. The responsible comrades and translators of the department who are often in contact with Soviet experts at their work can attend the patrons. Seven, such as the Soviet Union experts need to come forward in October Revolutionary Day banquet institutions, school heads, the required expenses can be reimbursed to the department in charge of expert hospitality.
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