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工艺品进出口商何先生前些年生意做得不错,赚了些钱,但却不知道该怎样把躺在账上的几百万投资增值记者向他推荐技术产权交易所,他竞茫然不知这样一个所在。遗憾的是,对资本市场隔膜生疏的不仅仅是何先生一个,许多政府相关职能部门的官员、企业家、科研院所、专利持有人等,也并不真正了解资本市场的功能和价值。看看青岛技术产权交易的发展现状,对比上海、北京、深圳、成都等地在技术产权交易市场建设方面的积极领跑,让人不禁要问:青岛在等什么?对大量科技创新企业和中小企业来说,技术产权交易也无异于沙漠中的绿洲。建设、利用好这一市场,将使区域内金融资本、知识资本、技术资本、管理资本等实现最佳的配置组合,扩大就业,增加税收,拉动一方经济。 Mr. Ho, a handicraft importers and exporters, did a good job a few years ago to earn some money, but he did not know how to put the millions of newspaper reporters who added value to the technology exchange. He was not sure what to expect One where. Regrettably, Mr Ho is not the only one who is unfamiliar with the capital market. Officials, entrepreneurs, research institutes, patent holders and many other government-related functional departments also do not really understand the function and value of capital markets. Take a look at the status quo of the development of technology property rights transactions in Qingdao, compared with Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other places in the construction of technology property rights market leader, people can not help asking: What are you waiting for a large number of technological innovation and small and medium enterprises For technical transactions in technology is no different from the oasis in the desert. To build and make good use of this market will enable the best configuration and combination of financial capital, intellectual capital, technological capital and management capital in the region to expand employment, increase taxes and boost one-side economy.
AIM:To compare the prognostic ability of inflammation scores for patients with hepatitis B virus(HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)undergoing transarter
凡事如果你不喜爱,你无法尽情地在做的过程中玩,没有调动内心深蕴的兴趣和乐趣,过多拘泥前人、成人、过来人的程序、规章和经验以及规定动作,好像风险是没有了,可做这件事的本来意义似乎也随之消失了。  我的经历是:1966年到1970年间,军人父亲奉命远征异国,我随母亲从广州回到望城乡下。村里,孩子们在炎热的夏天,玩水既是娱乐,也是消遗,更是抵挡不住的诱惑。一条短裤赤脚,塘里,河里,见水就玩,周身晒得黑黝
甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Huibner)属鳞翅目、夜蛾科,是一种世界性的食叶夜蛾类害虫,其寄主范围广、食性杂,可危害35科108属138种植物,主要危害十字花科、豆科、旋花科和百