创新发展思路 狠抓五大经济 促进区域经济新一轮跨越式发展——关于南京市秦淮区发展战略的几点思考

来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuzhong12miyan
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发展思路、发展战略直接关系和影响一个地区较长时间的发展全局。以往几届区委、区政府从秦淮区的实际出发,不断探索具有秦淮特色的发展战略,先后提出了“商贸旅游兴区”、“旅游商贸兴区”发展战略,并在随后赋予其“文化立区、旅游兴区、商贸富区、品牌强区”的新内涵。实践证明,这些发展思路和发展战略的确立,都是前人在一定历史条件和实践基础上积极探索和认识的成果,具有一定的创 Development train of thought, development strategy and a direct relationship between the development of a region for a long time to develop the overall situation. In previous sessions, the district government and the district government proceeded from the reality of Qinhuai District to continuously explore the development strategy with the Qinhuai characteristic and put forward the development strategy of “prospering the area of ​​commerce and trade” and “revitalizing the business of tourism and commerce” successively Give it a new meaning of “cultural district, tourist area, commercial and trade area, brand strong area”. Practice has proved that these development ideas and the establishment of development strategies are the fruits of previous exploration and understanding by our predecessors on the basis of certain historical conditions and practices.
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推导了主要结构参数计算式,并在此基础上提出了具体设计方法和步骤。 The formula of the main structural parameters is deduced, and based on this, the specific design
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本文总结分析了小儿氟乙酰胺中毒 38例 ,均以全身阵挛性抽搐急诊入院。抢救措施是快速有效地止痉。 1.首选安定 ;2 .苯巴比妥钠 ,在首选安定后 ,即联合应用 ;3.在选用止痉药