
来源 :经济改革与发展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ad2003happy
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改革开放以来,社会商业作为商品市场经济的主要表现得到了迅速发展,商品流通规模逐年扩大,市场物资供应丰富,社会商品零售总额显著扩张,多年来一直保持着较高的增长幅度。以四川省为例,全省近年增幅一般都在30%左右。但是,随着商品流通多元化格局的形成和市场形势的变化,国有商业在整个流通市场不断扩大的同时,其所占的份额反而逐步缩小,商品经营费用居高不下,企业经济效益连年下降。1994年,四川省国有商业亏损总额达34424万元,比1993年增长63.67%;国有商业亏损面高达57.3%。应当承认,由于商业流通的多元化、市场形势的变化和市场调节范围的逐步扩大,国有商业出现上述问题有其一定的客观必然性。但经过近年来的各种改革,因有商业就其总体而言,始终没有走出困境,与其承担的重要职能很不适应。本文试图通过总结近年来的国有商业的种种改革,对目前国有商业改革的原则、目标与模式问题作一些探讨。对国有商业改革的基本判识 Since the reform and opening up, social commerce has rapidly developed as the main performance of the commodity market economy. The scale of circulation of commodities has been expanded year by year. The supply of goods and materials in the market has been abundant. The total retail sales of social goods have expanded remarkably and maintained a relatively high growth rate over the years. In Sichuan Province, for example, the province’s growth rate in recent years are generally around 30%. However, with the formation of the diversified pattern of commodity circulation and changes in the market situation, the share of state-owned commerce in the overall circulation market has been gradually expanding while the share of state-owned commerce has been gradually reduced. The cost of goods and services has remained high and the economic efficiency of enterprises has been declining year after year. In 1994, the total state-owned commercial loss in Sichuan reached 344.24 million yuan, an increase of 63.67% over 1993; the state-owned commercial loss was as high as 57.3%. It should be admitted that due to the diversification of the commercial circulation, the changes in the market situation and the gradual expansion of the market adjustment range, the above problems with state-owned commerce have their own objective inevitability. However, after various reforms in recent years, they have not gone out of their predicament because of their business as a whole and are not fit for their important functions. This article tries to make some discussions on the current state-owned commercial reform principles, goals and models by summarizing various reforms of state-owned commerce in recent years. The Basic Identification of State-owned Commercial Reform
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