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全国政协委员、民进广西区委会主任委员俞曙霞同志针对当前民主党派后备干部队伍建设问题,在今年3月召开的全国政协九届三次会议上,提交了一份提案。6月,中共中央统战部给予答复,认为这个提案“对情况的分析是符合实际的,所提出的改进意见也考虑得很全面,是切实可行的,对于进一步做好这项工作具有重要的参考价值”。提案来自社会实践,来自调查研究,来自集思广益。这份提案是在民进南宁市委会副主委刘伟坚等同志的参与下形成的,是发挥民进整体功能的成果。面向新世纪,建设一支高素质的民主党派后备干部队伍,直接关系中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的长期存在和发展,是一项具有重大意义的战略性任务。现在,各民主党派正制定计划并采取相应措施,积极加强后备干部队伍建设,进一步实现跨世纪的新老交替和政治交接的历史任务。为此,我们将该提案刊发,供参考。 Comrade Yu Shuxia, member of the CPPCC National Committee and director of the People’s Democratic Progressive Party Committee of Guangxi Province, submitted a proposal on the construction of contingent-building cadres for the current democratic parties at the Third Plenary Session of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee held in March this year. In June, the CPC Central Committee’s United Front Work Department gave a reply saying that this proposal “is an analysis of the situation in line with the actual situation. The proposed improvements are also considered in a comprehensive manner and are feasible and have important reference for further doing this work.” value". Proposals come from social practice, from research, from brainstorming. This proposal was formed with the participation of Comrades Liu Weijian, vice chairman of the Nanning Municipal Committee and other comrades, and is the result of giving full play to the overall functions of the people in the country. Facing the new century, it is a significant strategic task to build a long-term existence and development of a multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in building a contingent of cadres with high-quality democratic parties. At present, all democratic parties are formulating plans and adopting corresponding measures to actively strengthen the building of the ranks of reserve cadres and further realize the historic task of turning over new and old ones and transferring political ties across the century. For this reason, we have published the proposal for reference.
六(3)班46名学生中,“小不点”是最特殊的一个孩子:身材矮小,1米2左右,手比正常的孩子小很多,书写水平与一年级学生相当;基础薄弱,自制能力差,经常在教室大声怪叫……因为 A
据最近估计,美国约有300万滴虫病患者, 其发病率仅次于衣原体感染。该文就其近来的临床及其基础研究作一综述。 临床特征:据估计,25%~50%的受感染妇女是无症状的。1/3的无症状