二陶锡上将的答问发言者陶锡上将(Admiral Tr u ig)参议员约翰逊(Senator Johnson)参议院鲁迦斯(Senator Lueas), 主席:你对于美国的远东外交关系有什么见解。对于远东问题有什么研究? 陶锡上将:目前最为美国所关心的地方是远东。我们参加远东的商业活动及其发展,先后已有一百五十年的历史。可是,不到一年半的期间,我们在远东的利益就受着全部被排斥的威胁,这威胁迄今依然存在,所有一切条约义务,均被暴力所粉碎无余。
Admiral Trüig Senator Johnson Senator Lueas Senate Chair: What do you think of the U.S. foreign affairs in the Far East? What is the study of the Far East? General Tao Tin: At present, the United States is most concerned about the Far East. Our business activities in the Far East and their development have been one hundred and fifty years in length. However, in less than a year and a half, our interests in the Far East are endangered by all their exclusion. That threat still exists to date and all the treaty obligations are shattered by violence.