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扎依里早早起床,洗漱完毕,匆匆吃了口饭,便开着出租车奔走在路上。这是一辆新车,也是他的第二辆车。在安全局势持续恶化的巴格达,这样的新车好像不多了。他的第一辆车是在一次暴恐袭击中损毁的,他正把车停在一个集市边上等人,突然一声巨响,幸好那时他去解手,不在车上。一天,一个背着书包的学生坐上了他的车。扎依里笑着问他去哪,那学生说去乌斯托镇。扎依里立即发动汽车。“师傅,好像巴格达这种新 Zha Yiri get up early, wash finished, hastily ate the mouth and meal, then drove a taxi running on the road. This is a new car, but also his second car. In Baghdad, where the security situation is deteriorating, there seem to be few new cars like this. His first car was destroyed in a violent terrorist attack. He was parked on the edge of a marketplace. Suddenly a loud noise was heard. At that moment, he was relieved and was not in the car. One day, a student carrying a school bag sat on his car. Zairei smiled and asked him where to go, the student said to Usto town. Zaire immediately start the car. ”Master, like this new Baghdad
“魔女来啦!”一个村民边跑边喊,神情惊恐。  爱丽丝正躺在村口的草坪上晒太阳,闭着眼睛,神态安然。  听闻呼喊而来的村民们缩在一起,不安地看着这位不速之客。他们只能凭她狰狞而丑陋的外表和她施展的能力来猜测,她可能就是传说中的魔女。魔女是要被驱逐的,因为人人都担心亲人被魔法蛊惑。  “你们好,不来一起吃点什么吗?看,美味的樱桃汁,还有这些你们没有见过的食物,哦,还有我最爱的巧克力。多么丰盛的午餐啊!
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