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在第七届国际地面沉降学术研讨会上,上海市地质调查研究院负责人透露,上海市已经制订了防治地面沉降的下一个五年计划——到2007年要把沉降控制在7m m内,到2010年要把沉降控制在5m m内。上海曾经是我国缓变性地面沉降较为严重的城市,开展地面沉降专项勘察与研究至今已有40年。 At the Seventh International Symposium on Land Subsidence, the person in charge of Shanghai Institute of Geological Survey disclosed that Shanghai Municipality has formulated the next five-year plan to prevent and control land subsidence. By 2007, the settlement should be controlled within 7 m m. By 2010 to control the settlement within 5m m. Shanghai was once a city with more severe ground subsidence in China. It has been 40 years since the special survey and research on land subsidence has been carried out.
The diffusion of La in ε-Fe 2~3N(ε)and γ′-Fe 4N (γ′)phases produced by plasma nitriding was studied. It is found that with increasing nitriding time, t
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Mantle xenoliths hosted in Tertiary alkali basalts in Yangyuan, Hebei Province, located to the west of the Taihangshan gravity lineament, include lherzolites, h
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