
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangchong122
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带病踏上长征路第五次反“围剿”的末期,我病了。当时我任红二十三师六十九团党总支书记兼政委。红二十三师原是红军中主力师之一,下辖的3个团红六十七团、红六十八团、红六十九团都是满员满编。但是在广昌战斗中全师减员过半,团的干部也牺牲过半,红六十九团团长就在广昌战斗中牺牲了。我拖着病体坚持在战斗的前沿,终于有一天因体力不支晕倒了,被人抬下了火线,我醒来时已躺在红八军团的野战医院里了。此时形势急转直下,中革军委下达了大转移的命令——长征开始了。上级要求伤员、病号就地隐蔽。这对于我来讲是难以接受的安排,因为我几乎是一参加革命就加入了红军,我舍不得离开自己的部队;另外我是福建人,在江西又如何隐蔽呢?因此我坚决要求跟着部队转移。同时我也作了最坏的准备,我在枕头下面偷偷藏了一把剪子、一把尺子。我想如果部队不带我走,我就扮作一名游走裁缝想办法回福建去,到了福建还可以拉起一支部队打游击,坚持革命。 I was ill at the end of bringing the disease to the fifth anti-campaign of “encirclement and suppression” by the Long March. At that time I was Renhong twenty-three division sixty-nine regiment Party branch secretary and political commissar. Red twenty-three division was originally one of the main force in the Red Army, under the jurisdiction of the three groups of sixty-seven regiment, red sixty-eight regiment, red sixty-nine regiment are full of staff. However, in the battle of Kwong-chang, the entire division reduced manpower by more than half and the cadres of the regiment also sacrificed more than half. The sixty-ninth regiment commander sacrificed in the battle of Kwong-chang. I dragged the body insisted on the front of the battle, and finally one day collapsed due to incompetence, was brought down the FireWire, I woke up lying in the Red Army Corps field hospital. At this time the situation was rapidly deteriorating, and the Central Military Commission issued an order for a major transfer - the Long March has begun. Superior requirements of the wounded, hidden in place on the sick. This is an unacceptable arrangement for me because I joined the Red Army almost as soon as I joined the revolution and I was reluctant to leave my own troops. In addition, I was a Hokkien man and how I concealed it in Jiangxi. Therefore, I strongly demanded that the troops be transferred along with the troops . At the same time I also made the worst preparations, I secretly hidden under the pillow a pair of scissors, a ruler. I think if the troops do not take me away, I would like to go there as a wandering tailor to find a way back to Fujian. By then, Fujian could also pull up a unit to play guerrilla war and uphold the revolution.
炸药爆炸后生成炮烟,其主要成份有:CO、CO_2、H_2、NO、HCN、CH_4、NH_3、SO_2、NO_2、H_2S等。炮烟危害人体健康,地下爆破时更为严重。 根据实验报告,通常一公斤工业炸药爆
本文系统地介绍了工业炸药的比容和有毒气体的测试系统与方法,并在该系统中利用所提出的方法对我国各类工业炸药进行了大量测试工作。 This paper systematically introduce