忽必烈 马背上的东方大汗

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内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗美丽的金莲川草原,茵茵绿草铺满了大地,黄色的金莲花像夏夜繁星在闪烁。这片被滦河圈起的草原上,矗立着一处规模宏大的古代都城遗址。700多年前,蒙古汗忽必烈在这里建立了元上都,欧亚各国的使者和元朝官员每年夏天都云集在元上都传播世界各国的文明。700多年后,曾经是一座中世纪的国际大都会在战乱和风雨侵蚀下已经沦为一片废墟。拨开废墟上的芨芨草,残砖断瓦俯拾皆是,瓦砾上不时有黄色与绿色的琉璃釉面闪露出昔日的华丽容颜。站在龙岗遗址内的高地放眼望去,不远处横平竖直的土埂台丘,从地面上隆起足有三五米之高,平添出绿色草原上的起伏波浪。尽管岁月风尘和青草野花将它们浸染得与金莲川北部的自然地貌融为一体,然而这些就是元上都的城墙与宫殿遗迹。早在1996年,元上都就已被国家列入申报世界文化遗产预备名单,目前申遗工作正在稳步推进。 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Xilin Gol League Zhenglan Banner The beautiful Jinlianchuan grassland, Yin green grass covered with earth, yellow nasturtiums like summer stars shining. This piece of grassland surrounded by the Luan River, stands a large-scale ancient capital site. More than 700 years ago, Khan Khanate, the Mongol Khanate, established the capital here. Officials from various Eurasian countries and officials from the Yuan Dynasty gathered in the country every summer to spread the civilization of all nations in the world. More than 700 years later, it used to be a medieval cosmopolitan city that has been reduced to ruins by war and rain. Picking open the rubble on the ruins of the grass, brick rubble abound, rubble from time to time with yellow and green glazed glaze gorgeous face of the past. Standing in the heights of Longgang site looked around, not far from the vertical flat soil mound Taiwan mound, raised from the ground full of three five meters high, adding to the green grassland on the waves. Despite years of dusty weather and grassy wildflowers that blew them into harmony with the natural landscape of the northern part of the Golden Lotus, these are the ruins of the city walls and palaces. As early as 1996, Yuan has been included in the list of preparatory list of the world’s cultural heritage, the current application for the project is steadily advancing.
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