水稻计算机模拟模型及其应用之五 估算水稻产量成分和库产量的模拟模型

来源 :中国农业气象 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guaiguaiwdairen
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根据长江流域优质、高产水稻新品种气候生态鉴定试验(1985~1986)的穗粒资料和同期气象资料,分别对单位面积上的有效穗数、每穗粒数和结实率的形成建立了相应的数学模型。决定有效穗数的重要气象因子是分蘖期的日照百分率和平均温度。决定每穗粒数的重要因子是出苗一抽穗的生育期长度与有效穗数。决定结实率的重要气象因子则是抽穗前15天至抽穗后25天的日照百分率和平均极端最高和最低温度。在建立“库”产量模型时,假定千粒重是稳定的品种特性,空粒率是限制“库”产量的因子而秕粒率的形成则与“源”产量不足有关。模拟值与试验值之间有较好的一致性。 According to the ear-grain data and the meteorological data of the climatic ecotypes (1985 ~ 1986) of the high-quality and high-yielding rice varieties in the Yangtze River Basin, the corresponding numbers of effective panicles, grains per spike and seed setting rate mathematical model. The important meteorological factors that determine the effective spikes are the percentage of sunshine at the tillering stage and the average temperature. An important factor that determines the number of grains per spike is the length of the growing season and the number of effective spikes per spike. The important meteorological factors that determine the seed setting rate are the percentage of sunshine from 15 days before heading to 25 days after heading, and the average extreme maximum and minimum temperature. In establishing a “stock” yield model, it is assumed that 1000-grain weight is a stable breed characteristic. Vacancy rate is a factor that limits the yield of “stock” and the formation of grain rate is related to insufficient “source” production. There is good agreement between simulated and experimental values.