广西百色茶场,地处广西西部的云贵高原边缘山区,西起东经106°18′10″,东至东经106°26′36″,南起北纬23°54′53″,北至北纬23°56′54″。平均海拔240米以上,最高563米,耕作区平均坡度35度以上。日照充足,热量丰富,但又是“十年九旱”之地。近几年来,假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca pirisuga(Matsumura)在该场茶园普遍发生,猖獗为害,受害面积连年扩大。为了寻求科学的防治对策,摸清此虫在这一山
Guangxi Baise Tea Plantation is located in the mountainous area of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in the west of Guangxi. It ranges from 106 ° 18’10 “East longitude to 106 ° 26’36 East longitude from east to 23 ° 54’53” north and latitude 23 ° 56 north ’54 ’. The average elevation of 240 meters above the highest 563 meters, farming area average slope of 35 degrees or more. Sufficient sunshine, rich in heat, but it is “ten years nine drought” of the land. In recent years, Empoasca pirisuga (Matsumura), a common green leafhopper, has been prevalent in this tea plantation and has been rampant and its area has been expanding over the years. In order to seek scientific prevention and control measures, find out that this insect is in this mountain