Squint-mode InISAR imaging based on nonlinear least square and coordinates transform

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Bo_Gao
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Aiming at the interferometric inverse synthetic aperture radar(InISAR) imaging in the presence of squint,we investigate the influence of squint on the InISAR imaging. First,coupling of the squint additive phase and the target azimuth/altitude coordinates to be solved may make the solution more difficult. Second,the squint angle may lead to estimation error of the vertical coordinates and distortion of the ultimate image. Traditional InISAR imaging algorithms can not solve the above two problems effectively,so we propose a new method which combines the nonlinear least square(NLS) and coordinates transform(CT) to estimate the target coordinates,and a three-dimensional(3-D) image consistent with the real target is obtained accordingly. Simulations show that the proposed method is effective for the squint-mode InISAR imaging. Aiming at the interferometric inverse synthetic aperture radar (InISAR) imaging in the presence of squint, we investigate the influence of squint on the InISAR imaging. First, coupling of the squint additive phase and the target azimuth / altitude coordinates to be solved may make the Second, the squint angle may lead to estimation error of the vertical coordinates and distortion of the ultimate image. Traditional InISAR imaging algorithms can not solve the above two problems effectively, so we propose a new method which combines the nonlinear least square (NLS) and coordinates transform (CT) to estimate the target coordinates, and a three-dimensional (3-D) image consistent with the real target is obtained accordingly. Simulations show that the proposed method is effective for the squint-mode InISAR imaging .
临床应用rn痹证 证属肝肾不足,邪气内着筋骨.症见肌肤、经脉、关节轻度肿痛,重着、麻木、腰膝酸软,畏寒喜暖,手足不温,甚则关节肿大、变形,屈伸不利,进而关节强直,筋缩肉卷,
3月初,我到黄岩县采访桔香楼经理许林森,准备报道他租赁桔香楼饭店以及兼管黄岩旅社、车站饭店的事迹。 In early March, I interviewed Huang Linxian, manager of Orange