1 湖区卫生防疫初级阶段(1979~1995)1.1 湖区卫生防疫工作的建立(1979~1983) 湖区卫生防疫工作始于1979年,至1983年《食品卫生法(试行)》之前,主要工作是对湖区服务行业进行卫生管理和消、杀、灭药物的发放,每年由宁安县卫生防疫站临时抽调1~2名工作人员,在即无交通工具又无任何设备的条件下,凭借工作人员的经验对湖区20余家服务单位进行卫生管理和技术指导,工作时间主要集中在7月份,卫生防疫工作基本处于停滞状态。
1 Initial Stage of Health and Epidemic Prevention in the Lake District (1979-1995) 1.1 Establishment of Sanitary and Epidemic Prevention Work in the Lake District (1979-1983) The work of sanitation and epidemic prevention in the Lake District began in 1979. Before the “Food Sanitation Law (Trial)” in 1983, the main work was in the Lake District. The service industry conducts hygiene management and eliminates, kills, and eliminates the distribution of drugs. Each year, Ning’an County Health and Anti-epidemic Stations temporarily mobilize 1 to 2 workers. With no transportation or equipment, they rely on the experience of their staff in the Lake District. More than 20 service units provided health management and technical guidance. The working hours were mainly concentrated in July, and the health and epidemic prevention work was basically in a stagnant state.