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曾经的八运会第三名,WCBA联赛第五名,由曾为中国女篮最优秀后卫的丛学娣执掌帅印的上海东方女篮,如今却在十运会上跌出八强之外,今年的联赛常规赛总共22场比赛中甚至连赢下3场球都做不到,参加保级战的资格都不够,命运多桀的她们直接退出了甲级队伍的纷争,重又回到3年前在甲乙两级联赛中的轮回泥沼中去。然而2003年的她们不仅有杨力、王静等一帮老队员,还有叶莉这样的国家队员在支撑台面。3年后的今天,东方女篮还剩下些什么?杨力在联赛开打前匆匆转会吉林,在与老东家交手的时候拼命表现;王静伤病缠身,整个赛季的上场时间加起来还不满4个小时;国青队的黄靖刚做了膝关节手术,也不能上场;剩下的一帮小球员平均年龄刚满20岁,甚至不能算是一支成年队。“这样的球队,让谁来带都不行啊!”如果不是丛学娣在球队十年来最困难的时候再次临危受命,东方女篮恐怕连打乙级联赛都很吃力了。当然,这其中至关重要的一点是,上海东方女篮主力大前锋、国手叶莉竟然整个赛季都无法上场。 Once the third place in the Eighth National Games, WCBA League fifth, from the once for the Chinese women’s basketball defender Cong Xudian handsome Shu Indian printed Oriental Women’s Basketball, but now fell out of the Teams in the Tenth National Games this year League regular season total of 22 games even won three games are not eligible to participate in the relegation battle qualifications are not enough fate of their straight out of the Class A team disputes back to three years ago In the two league tournament in the relics go. However, in 2003 they not only Yang Li, Wang Jing and other veteran team members, as well as Ye Li national team members in the support table. 3 years later today, what are the remaining Oriental Women’s Basketball? Yang Li hurriedly moved to Jilin before the league opened, playing hard with the old club when hard performance; Wang Jing injured, the entire season playing time together Dissatisfaction 4 hours; National Youth Team Huang Jing Gang knee surgery done, can not play; the rest of the average age of a group of young players just turned 20 years old, and can not even be considered an adult team. “Such a team, so who will not bring ah!” If not Cong Cong Di in the team the most difficult time in 10 years once again ordered, the Eastern basketball probably afraid to play Serie B are very difficult. Of course, one of the most important point is that the main power forward in Shanghai Oriental Basketball, national team Yeh actually not playing throughout the season.
This paper offers a preliminary statement of the results of investigations carried out in the South Sangkanho basin, in the mountains some 80 miles to the NW o
天津职业技术师范大学是我国最早建立的以培养职业教育师资为主要任务的普通高等师范院校,隶属于原国家劳动部,2000年转为中央与地方共建,以天津市管理为主。 Tianjin Polyt
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