Relationship between cytokines gene polymorphism and susceptibility to hepatitis B virus intrauterin

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One of the major reasons for high prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in China is the mother transmit the HBV to the infant during the intrauterine and perinatal period. There are 50% HBV carriers arising from the mother to infant transmission.~ 1-3 During the period of intrauterine or perinatal HBV infection, patients can be in long immunologic tolerance stage with high level of viremia (high load of HBV DNA) and high titer of HBeAg; alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate amino-transferase (AST) can be persistent normal or mild abnormally; liver histology will be normal or mild changing; being not sensitive to antiviral therapy.~ 4,5 So interruption of mother to infant transmission of HBV in intrauterine and perinatal period is an important part of prevention hepatitis B (HB) in our country.~ 6,7 The researches for immune tolerance of HBV intrauterine infection showed that T cell level and humoral immunity level of host decreased, due to the reduced secretion of T helper type 1 (Th1) and T helper type 2 (Th2) cytokines and lacking of effective modulation.~ 8,9 In recent years, people have recognized that many uncongenial diseases have genetic background. This contributes to explaining the difference of susceptibility, course, effect on therapy and prognosis of some diseases in different persons and masses. One of the major reasons for high prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in China is the mother transmit the HBV to the infant during the intrauterine and perinatal period. There are 50% HBV carriers arising from the mother to infant transmission. ~ 1- 3 During the period of intrauterine or perinatal HBV infection, patients can be in long immunologic tolerance stage with high level of viremia (high load of HBV DNA) and high titer of HBeAg; alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and / or aspartate amino-transferase AST) can be persistent normal or mild abnormally; liver histology will be normal or mild changing; being not sensitive to antiviral therapy. ~ 4,5 So interruption of mother to infant transmission of HBV in intrauterine and perinatal period is an important part of prevention hepatitis B (HB) in our country. ~ 6,7 The researches for immune tolerance of HBV intrauterine infection showed that T cell level and humoral immunity level of host decreased, due to the reduced secretion of T helper ty This has been explained that many differences in susceptibility, course, effect on therapy and prognosis of some diseases in different persons and masses.
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编辑:托马斯·奥斯丁(Thomas Austin)、魏玛·得·杨(Wilmade Jong)编辑出版:Open University出版社,英国,2008《重思纪录片——新视角,新实践》(Rethinking Documentary-New