
来源 :压缩机技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a306783805
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近年来,填充F4塑料活塞环在活塞式空 压机上得到了广泛的应用。由于这种活塞环易 磨损,寿命一般只为 2000~4000h,因此,更换 备件的工作量就很大。如何提高环的寿命,是 摆在我们面前的一个重要课题.很多研究单 位、制造厂家及使用单位都做了许多工作,以 便达到提高活塞环寿命的目的. 1981年第1期《压缩机技术》上,曾介绍过 日本三国重工业株式会社研制了一种新结构的 空压机,其活塞环的使用寿命已达20000h, 材料为填充F4或石墨,并给出了示意图。我 In recent years, F4 plastic piston ring filled piston compressor has been widely used. Because of this piston ring easy to wear, life expectancy is generally only 2000 ~ 4000h, therefore, the replacement of spare parts workload is great. How to improve the life of the ring is an important issue before us.Many research units, manufacturers and users have done a lot of work in order to achieve the purpose of improving the life of the piston ring .1981 No. 1 “Compressor Technology” , Had introduced Japan’s Sanko Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. developed a new structure of the air compressor, the piston ring has reached the service life of 20000h, filled with F4 or graphite material, and gives the schematic. I
A new compound K6Ti0.67Nb15.33O42 was prepared for the first time by solid state reaction in K2O-Ni2O3-Nb2O5 ternary system. The new compound was characterized
从未谋面的微信好友,让我帮忙寄两份样报。她给我打电话时,我正陪孩子上课外班。  朋友还说这篇文章对她来说很重要,这是她发表的第一篇文章,她想作为礼物送给自己的爱人……我安慰她说,你别急,我这就去给你买。和讲课的老师打了声招呼,让她照顾一下孩子,我赶紧去报刊亭买。  天色已晚,华灯初上,接连跑了几家报刊亭,总算买到了最后一份报纸。第二天一到单位,我赶紧给快递公司打了电话。寄出时,我再次和她核实地址和
Aim:To determine the pharmacokinetics associated with acute toxic doses ofCPU0213,a novel endothelin receptor antagonist in mice after a single intrave-nous ad
Several supported zirconocene catalysts were prepared by using MgCl_2·6H_2O as a precursor forproducing an active support. Such catalysts combined with methyl
2016年7月16日,北京昌平区一个平凡之家举行了一场特殊婚礼:大学生儿子撮合人到中年的养母与继父复婚。让人震撼的是,养母曾间接害死了养子的亲生父母。守了几十年的秘密曝光后,养子视她为仇人,丈夫也与她离婚。一场尿毒症,将一家三口的心重新聚拢,他们被网友誉为“京城温暖一家人”……    真相撕裂养子的心  2013年9月,家住北京昌平区的陈银霞,时常感觉腹部隐痛,连续几天都疼得从梦中醒来。本以为是阑