
来源 :上海海洋大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingdingdeaiqing86
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深海是海洋科学研究和技术发展重点关注的海域,其中又以探索和研究全球最深的海域——马里亚纳海沟挑战者深渊为重要标记和挑战。为保障深渊潜器在该海域的作业安全,本文利用美国海洋大气局(NOAA)发布的WAVEWATCHⅢ后报产品,和基于JasonⅡ卫星的海浪遥感数据产品,统计分析了该海域自2005年2月到2015年7月期间,波浪要素的空间分布和时间变化特征。结果表明,马里亚纳海沟海域多年逐月区域平均有效波高为1.30(6月)~2.53 m(1月),周期为8.0(6月)~9.6 s(12月),逐月最大波高分别为3.03、2.79、2.58、2.19、1.74、1.56、1.68、1.78、1.85、2.22、2.37、2.81 m。海浪的季节差异显著,其中冬季平均波高最大,夏季平均波高最小,春秋两季为过渡期。本文对发生的4 m以上巨浪进行统计,发生频率逐月区域平均值为0.2%~3.5%,冬季发生频率较高,春夏秋三季巨浪频率较低。根据“蛟龙号”及其他相关深渊潜器在四级海况下进行布放和五级海况下回收的设计参数条件要求,在马里亚纳海沟海域,更合适的作业时间为5到10月,在其他月份,需要选择良好的海况条件进行作业。 Deep-sea is a key area of ​​concern for marine scientific research and technological development, which is marked and challenged by exploring and studying the Abyss of Challengers in the Mariana Channel, the deepest sea area in the world. In order to ensure the safe operation of abyss submarine in this sea area, this paper makes use of the WAVEWATCH Ⅲ after-report product released by NOAA and the surf-sea remote sensing data product based on JasonⅡ satellite, and statistically analyzes the sea area from February 2005 to 2015 The spatial distribution and temporal variation of the wave elements during July and July of the year. The results showed that the average monthly effective monthly wave height over the years in Mariana Trench waters ranged from 1.30 (June) to 2.53 m (January) and from 8.0 (June) to 9.6 s (December), with the maximum monthly wave heights of 1.59, 1.58, 1.79, 2.58, 2.19, 1.74, 1.56, 1.68, 1.78, 1.85, 2.22, 2.37, 2.81 m. The seasonal variation of sea waves is significant, with the highest average wave height in winter, the lowest average summer wave height, and the transition period between spring and autumn. In this paper, the occurrence of 4 m above the waves were statistics, the monthly average frequency of occurrence of 0.2% to 3.5%, the frequency of occurrence in winter is higher, the spring summer summer autumn wave frequency is relatively low. According to the requirements of the design parameters of “dragon” and other related submarine submarines to be deployed under the fourth-level sea conditions and under the fifth-level sea conditions, the more suitable working time in the Mariana Trench waters is from May to October In other months, you need to choose a good condition of the sea conditions for homework.
<正> 电度计量的正确与否,直接关系到发、供电单位的技术经济指标。由于电压互感器次级二次回路负荷随一次运行方式的改变而改变,因此采用调快电度表表速以抵消电压降影响的
目的 :探讨用二维超声检查和四维超声检查诊断胎儿发育异常的临床效果。方法 :选取近年来我院收治的420例孕产妇及其胎儿作为研究对象。对这些孕产妇的胎儿均进行二维超声检
目的 探讨非穿透性小梁手术 (non penetratingtrabecularsurgery ,NPTS)联合网状透明质酸植入物的临床疗效。方法 对 2 5例 (2 7只眼 )原发性开角型青光眼 (primaryopenang
<正> 一、概况我国火力发电厂凝汽器真空抽吸设备,在50、60年代采用射汽抽气器,70年代国产发电机组多采用射水抽气器,引进设备亦有采用Leblanc真空泵。近几年来,平圩电厂600M
<正> 来,给你出一道题。假设你来自于火星,突然被扔到中国,你可能被扔到北京这样的大城市,也可能被扔到河南这样的内地省份,甚至可能被扔到西藏这样的边疆地区。不幸的是,你