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2004年8月在由国务院国资委研究中心、中国经济体制改革杂志社等共同举办的“第二届中国改革高层论坛暨新时代中国改革之星颁奖大会上”,山东建工集团董事局主席、党委书记李宪之在来自全国各地、各条战线,近千名贡献突出的候选人中脱颖而出,荣获了“新时代中国改革之星”称号。获选理由:李宪之以其超前的意识和过人的胆识,把一个名不见经传的弱小企业发展成为房屋建筑施工总承包和新型建材科研、生产以及房地产开发三大产业板块,具有施工总承包、专业承包和劳务分包九个独立资质,以及二十三项增项资质的大型企业集团。在全国15万家建筑企业最新排序中,位居百强企业第37位。2003年企业总资产达到30亿元,企业净资产达到3.6亿元。2003年完成企业总产值29亿元,实现利税1.66亿元,人均收入4.19万元。2004年1~9月份实现企业总产值25.79亿元,实现利税12867万元。李宪之锐意进取的改革精神,在为企业赢得一个个荣誉的同时,也赢得业内的广泛赞誉。 August 2004 In the “Second China Reform Forum cum New Star Reform China Star Awards” co-sponsored by the State Council SASAC Research Center, China Economic Reform Press, etc., Chairman of Shandong Construction Engineering Group Board of Directors, Party Secretary Li Xianzhi stood out among nearly 1,000 prominent candidates from all parts of the country and on various fronts and won the title of “Star of China’s Reform in the New Era”. Selected reasons: With its advanced awareness and extraordinary courage, Lee Hsien-chih, a little-known small business development into a housing construction general contracting and new building materials research, production and real estate development of the three major industrial sectors, with construction contracting, Professional contracting and labor subcontracting nine independent qualifications, as well as 23 additional qualifications of large enterprise groups. In the latest ranking of 150,000 construction enterprises in the country, ranked 37th in Top 100 Enterprises. In 2003 the total assets of enterprises reached 3 billion yuan, corporate net assets reached 360 million yuan. In 2003, the total output value of enterprises was 2.9 billion yuan, profits and taxes of 166 million yuan and per capita income of 41.9 thousand yuan. From January to September 2004, it realized a total output value of 2.579 billion yuan and realized profits and taxes of 128.67 million yuan. Lee Hsien-chi, determined to make progress in the reform spirit, won one honor for the enterprise at the same time, also won widespread praise in the industry.
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