The author started from 1983, one after another in the 1.5 acres of tea plantations and grapes three-dimensional cultivation experiments. The experiment was conducted in the Jianghan Plain in Hubei Province, where is a strong light region. The total annual solar radiation on the ground is about 120 kcal / cm ~ 2 on average. In midsummer, the temperature in July and August reaches 38-40 ° C, sometimes over 40 ° C. The evaporation and transpiration of water are very expensive and often result in the growth of tea trees ceasing, leaves burned, the quality of green tea in summer is poor, the aroma is low, the taste is light, Resistance to brewing. To this end, the author according to the shade of tea, hi wet, grapes hi light, different temperature physiological characteristics of the two were three-dimensional cultivation experiments, record