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本文围绕新时期高职钢琴即兴伴奏课程教学展开讨论,认为新时期高职艺术教学的特性和要求有三个,一是应用意味更强,二是用人单位要求更高,三是教学过程更短。本文提出,新时期高职钢琴即兴伴奏课程教学存在5个问题,一是学生基础太差,二是学生缺乏自律精神,三是教学条件有限,四是教师水平有限,五是老师教学热情不高。针对上面的问题,本文提出,着眼于当前的问题,新时期高职钢琴即兴伴奏教学路径有5个,分别是重视前期学生选拔,强调纪律约束,改善教学条件,强化教师培训和精神激励和物质奖励并重。本文意在通过有益的探索和讨论,为推进新时期高职钢琴即兴伴奏工作的持续推进作出应有贡献。 This article focuses on the improvisation accompaniment lesson in higher vocational colleges. It holds that there are three characteristics and requirements of art teaching in higher vocational colleges in the new era. One is that the application is more powerful, the other is that the employer demands more, the third is the teaching process is shorter. This paper proposes that there are five problems in the teaching of improvisational accompaniment for the piano in the new era. The first is that the students’ foundation is too poor. The second is the lack of self-discipline. The third is the limited teaching conditions. The fourth is the limited level of teachers. The fifth is the poor enthusiasm of teachers . In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward that focusing on the current problems, there are five teaching paths for improvisation accompaniment in high vocational schools in the new era. They are attaching importance to early student selection, emphasizing disciplinary constraints, improving teaching conditions, strengthening teachers’ training, spiritual stimulation and material Reward both. This article is intended to make due contributions to the continuous promotion of the improvisation and accompaniment of high-grade piano in the new era through useful exploration and discussion.
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