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通过对西北黄土地区地基承载力及其主要影响因素分布规律的研究,进行了黄土地区地基承载力的分区,确定了黄土地基处理的原则和选取方法。在此基础上,建立了基于G IS的黄土地区公路地基承载力评价系统。该系统利用G IS的数据分析和属性数据管理功能,在收集的大量实测载荷试验数据和相应物理力学指标的基础上,建立了各区域承载力统计回归关系式与样本点的动态数据连接库,实现了对黄土地区公路地基承载力的有效评价。同时,利用地基处理的分析软件,结合公路路基的设计情况,提出了对黄土地基的处理建议,为公路部门的地基承载力评价和黄土地基处理提供了决策依据。 Through the study of the bearing capacity of foundation and the distribution of its main influencing factors in the loess region of Northwest China, the bearing capacity of subsoil of loess area is studied. The principle and selection method of loess foundation treatment are determined. Based on this, a GIS-based evaluation system of roadbed bearing capacity in loess area is established. The system uses GIS data analysis and attribute data management functions. Based on a large amount of measured load test data and corresponding physical and mechanical indicators collected, this system establishes the dynamic data connection library of the statistical regression relationship and sample points of bearing capacity of each area, The effective evaluation of bearing capacity of highway subgrade in the loess area has been realized. At the same time, based on the analysis software of foundation treatment and the design of highway subgrade, the suggestions for the treatment of loess foundation are put forward, which provide the decision-making basis for the evaluation of subsoil bearing capacity and the treatment of loess ground in the highway department.
本文对我国政府部门人力资源管理现状进行了分析,并提出了加强我国政府部门人力资源管理的对策。 This paper analyzes the current situation of human resources manageme
以渝湛项目的计划管理为依托,全面详述了工程计划管理的一般原则和思路,提出保障计划的普遍方法。对工程计划管理有一定的借鉴作用。 Relying on the planning management o
根据软基地质条件差、填土不高、工期紧的特点,选用预制管桩刚性复合地基处理方案。并详细介绍其设计、施工、处理效果等应用情况。 According to the soft foundation geol
我国现行《公路沥青混凝土路面施工技术规范》(JTG F 40-2004)给出了很宽的沥青混合料级配范围,对于特定工程,需要根据公路等级、气候和交通条件、原材料特性确定工程设计级