Damage Detection for Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge

来源 :现代交通学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc0454
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Based on the updated finite-element model of a cable-stayed bridge, this study investigates the technique of identifying damage existing in cable or girder by means of numerical simulation. The modal analysis is performed to identify the changes in modal frequencies and curvatures caused by damage, and the static analysis is executed to detect the influence of damage on cable force. The results indicate a relatively significant decrease in frequencies of lower vertical bending modes due to the damage in cable and little change of frequencies due to damage in girder. Different sensitivities to the location of damaged cable are observed from the frequency changes of different bending modes, which can be used to initially locate the damaged cable. The damage in either cable or girder can be further localized by the most significant change in curvature of girder. The damage occurred in a cable produces a remarkable change in force of nearby cables, whereas the damage in girder brings little change of cable forces. In addition, a pragmatic approach for localizing the damage in girder or cable is proposed based on a comprehensive utilization of the changes in frequency of vertical bending modes, modal curvature of girder, and force in cables.
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