Effect of Isospin Dependence of Nucleon-nucleon Cross Section on Momentum Dissipation as Increase of

来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzd_1983
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We investigate effect of isospin dependence of nucleon-nucleon (N-N) cross sectionσNNiso on the nuclear stopping R (momentum dissipation) as the increase of neutron-proton ratio of collision system in heavy ion collisions. This effect is indicated by the difference between R’s for isospin independent in-medium N-N cross sections;σ1noiso and isospin dependent in-medium N-N cross sectionσNNiso.Where the isospin independent N-N cross sectionσ1noiso is defined asσnn=σpp=σnp. An empirical isospin dependent expression of the inmedium nucleon nucleon cross section is We investigate effect of isospin dependence of nucleon-nucleon (NN) cross section σNNiso on the nuclear stopping R (momentum dissipation) as the increase of neutron-proton ratio of collision system in heavy ion collisions. This effect is indicated by the difference between R’s for isospin independent in-medium NN cross sections; σ1noiso and isospin dependent in-medium NN cross sectionσNNiso. Where the isospin independent NN cross sectionσ1noiso is defined as σnn = σpp = σnp. An empirical isospin dependent expression of the inmedium nucleon nucleon cross section is
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[摘 要] 随着信息技术和移动互联网的发展和广泛应用,大数据成为当今时代信息技术的必然产物,自2013年起,我国教育大数据研究开始迅速发展起来。数据挖掘是大数据技术中的一项重要技术,通过数据挖掘,人们可以找到自身需要的存在潜在价值的信息,在社会的各个领域中都有广泛的应用。近年来,校园信息化建设正在经历着不断探索与发展的阶段,高职院校更是如此,逐渐从校园网络向校园教学信息化以及智慧校园建设的方向发展