Taking Inventory

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在外报上看到如下一篇题为Taking Inventory的短文: Two years ago Tom Bloch resigned as the chief executive officer of H & R Block.the 1.7 billion tax-preparation and financial-services firm, to become a teacher at St.Francis Xavier middle school in Kansas City,MO.His annual salary suddenly dropped to less than 15.000 a year,about three percent of his old salary. But Bloch knew his hectic schedule as CEO had been interfering with his top priority:his wife and their two sons.He says, “I don’t want to look back on my life and say,Gee,you had an opportunity to play a bigger role in your children’s lives and didn’t take it.” 这段文字的意思并不难懂,大意是说Tom Bloch辞去 In the newspaper, I saw an essay entitled Taking Inventory: Two years ago Tom Bloch resigned as the chief executive officer of H & R Block.the 1.7 billion tax-preparation and financial-services firm, to become a teacher at St .Francis Xavier middle school in Kansas City,MO.His annual salary soon dropped to less than 15.000 a year,about three percent of his old salary. But Bloch knew his hectic schedule as CEO had been interfering with his top priority:his wife and Their two sons.He says, “I don’t want to look back on my life and say,Gee,you had an opportunity to play a bigger role in your children’s lives and didn’t take it.” The meaning is not difficult to understand, the effect is that Tom Bloch resigned
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