
来源 :海峡预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LanceXulei
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目的探讨孕期牙周疾病与早产低出生体重儿的相关性。方法选择2010年3月至2012年2月在福建省妇幼保健院就诊建卡的孕妇(孕20周左右)1 068名,对牙周病患者进行治疗,并分析牙周疾病治疗与否与早产低出生体重儿的相关性。结果调查期间孕妇牙周病罹患率56.6%。治疗组460人,对照组145人(拒绝治疗);年龄24~36岁;治疗前(孕20周)两组孕妇菌斑指数(PLI)、出血指数(BI)、探诊深度(PD)和临床附着丧失(CAL)差异无统计学意义,治疗后(孕32周)治疗组的PLI、BI、PD和CAL指标均低于对照组,低出生体重儿的发生率(2.0%)比对照组(10.3%)低,早产发生率(2.0%)也比对照组(11.0%)低。结论牙周疾病是引起早产和低体重儿的可能危险因素,孕期治疗对预防早产和低体重儿有积极作用。 Objective To investigate the correlation between periodontal disease during pregnancy and preterm low birth weight infants. Methods A total of 1 068 pregnant women (20 weeks old) with card-making in Fujian MCH from March 2010 to February 2012 were selected to treat patients with periodontal disease and to analyze whether periodontal disease treatment and preterm labor Low birth weight children’s relevance. Results During the survey, the prevalence of periodontal disease in pregnant women was 56.6%. 460 patients in the treatment group and 145 in the control group (refuse treatment); age ranged from 24 to 36 years old; PLI, BI, PD and There was no significant difference in clinical attachment loss (CAL) between the two groups. The PLI, BI, PD and CAL indexes of the treatment group after treatment (32 weeks pregnant) were lower than those of the control group, and the incidence of low birth weight children (2.0% (10.3%) was lower, the incidence of preterm birth (2.0%) was also lower than that of the control group (11.0%). Conclusion Periodontal disease is a possible risk factor for preterm and low birth weight infants. Treatment during pregnancy has a positive effect on preventing preterm birth and low birth weight.
目的: 正确认识巨细胞病毒(CMV) DNA及CMV早期抗原(EA)的病毒学意义及临床价值.方法: 检查34例急性黄疸性肝炎患儿和19例健康儿童的血白细胞CMV-DNA、尿CMV-DNA、血白细胞CMV
目的 评价龙岩市结核病实验室现状,为基层实验室的发展提供建设性意见.方法 对7个县级结核病实验室上报的2012年《龙岩市结核病实验室基本情况调查表》进行相关分析,对结核病
目的介绍福建省首例蠊缨滴虫(Lophomonias blattarum)感染病例。方法对支气管肺泡灌洗液镜检。结果患者“感冒”月余,首诊对症治疗无效;后到福建省某医院治疗,CT检查见双肺弥
1 临床资料rn患者男性67岁,原有冠心病、陈旧性心肌梗塞史及“阵发性心房颤动”史均6年,”高血压病”2年,近一年出现心动过缓.入院前十余天持续心房颤动,窦性心律时ECG观察:P