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玉山县稻田近年施用石灰非常普遍,不管是何种成土母质形成的稻田,也不管是排田、垅田、坂田都要施用;不但年年施用,而且季季施用。施用的数量从每亩几十斤到几百斤不等,特别是山区的坑田、垅田施用量更多。稻田施用石灰面广、量多的主要原因有两方面:一是发展社队企业,大办石灰厂,石灰数量多,要找销路。如童坊公社马路大队,1971年办起了一座石灰窑,烧出来的石灰廉价赊售给各生产队,甚至采取配给的办法来推销。二是群众认识上的错误。认为石灰是“热性肥料”,用到田里可以增加土温,促进禾苗早生快发。因此,对冷浆、冷水田更强调多用。稻田长期大量施用石灰结果究竟怎样呢?在开始的几年少量施用石灰时,每年确能取得一 Yushan County paddy fields in recent years, the application of lime is very common, no matter what kind of parent material formed paddy fields, regardless of the row of fields, 垅 Tian, ​​Sakata have to be applied; not only annual, but seasonal application. The number of applications ranging from a few pounds per acre to several pounds of catty range, especially in the mountain pit, Tian applied more. There are two main reasons for the large amount of lime in paddy field. There are two main reasons: First, the development of commune and brigade enterprises, the large limestone factory, the large quantity of lime, and the sale of products. Such as Tongfang commune brigade, set up in 1971, a lime kiln, burning out of the cheap sale of lime on the production team, and even to rationing approach to marketing. Second, the masses make mistakes. Lime is considered “hot fertilizer”, used in the field can increase the soil temperature, and promote early seedlings Hay quick hair. Therefore, the cold slurry, cold paddy fields more emphasis on multi-purpose. Long-term large-scale application of rice paddy results exactly what? In the first few years a small amount of lime, the annual can indeed get a
1965年我们参加“提高东北西部草原生产力、发展畜牧业综合样板田”工作,样板田设在黑龙江省杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县的种畜场。在草原上,打草备冬是一项中心工作。 打草工作贵
(一) 山西省黄河流域二十五个水土保持重点县,从去年十月下旬开始,先后开展了秋季造林和农田建设两次大突击。参加劳力最高达三十四万人,占总劳力的百分之三十八,此一九六三