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中国第一汽车集团公司技术中心(前身是长春汽车研究所)这个中国汽车研发技术发展的摇篮,以其52年的创业与发展,不仅始终保持国内最强的产品研发能力,而且不断推进着中国一汽乃至中国汽车工业的产品进步和技术进步。在中国加入世贸组织、民族汽车工业面临严峻考验的新形势下,一汽技术中心与时俱进,加速建设与国际接轨的汽车产品研发体系,使一汽再一次以新产品超过50%的贡献度,在2002年上半年攀上了汽车产品产销量28万辆、销售收入432亿元、利润21.5亿元的新高峰,其中中重型载货车总销量首次成为世界第一。面向国内,把握市场需求 中国第一汽车集团公司技术中心坚持把国内市场、中国用户做开发产品的出发点和落脚点,提出了“用户要什么,我们就干什么”,仅在近两年,就开发出用户喜爱的运煤王、新运煤王、工程王、西北王、巨能王、牵引王等一大批新产品,使一汽中重型载货车的市场占有率始终处于全国第一,保持了龙头老大的地位。面对中高级轿车竞争激烈的市场局面,他们开发出红旗名仕等产品,2002年上半年红旗销售了1.5万辆,同比增长159.3%,创下了小红旗投放市场以来的同期最高纪录;轻型车方面,轻卡销售2万辆,同比上升6%;微型车方面,销售达到3.5万辆,同比增长100%,市场份额上升2个百分点。 China FAW Group Technology Center (formerly Changchun Automobile Research Institute) The cradle of the development of China’s automotive R & D technology, with its 52 years of entrepreneurship and development, not only always maintain the strongest domestic product development capability, and continue to promote China FAW and even China’s automobile industry product improvement and technological progress. Under the new situation that China joins the WTO and the national auto industry is facing a severe test, FAW Technology Center will keep pace with the times and speed up the construction of automobile product R & D system in line with international standards. Once again, FAW will contribute more than 50% of new products, In the first half of 2002, it climbed up to 280,000 sets of auto products production and sales, with a sales revenue of 43.2 billion yuan and a profit of 2.15 billion yuan. Among them, the total sales of medium-heavy trucks reached the first in the world for the first time. For the domestic market to seize the market demand China FAW Group Technology Center adhere to the domestic market, the Chinese users to develop products starting point and the foothold, put forward the “What users want, what we do,” only in the past two years to develop A large number of new products, such as coal loving king, new coal loaning king, engineering king, northwestern king, giant king and king of towing, have made FAW’s market share of medium and heavy-duty trucks always the first in the country and maintained Leader boss status. The face of the highly competitive car market situation, they developed the Red Flag and other products, the first half of 2002 sold 15,000 red flag, an increase of 159.3%, setting a red flag on the market since the highest record over the same period; light car In terms of light truck sales 20,000 units, an increase of 6%; mini vehicles, sales reached 35,000 units, an increase of 100%, the market share rose 2 percentage points.
王东在房产局当局长,这天下午,他下班路过文化广场时,发现路边的广告牌前围拢着很多人,交头接耳地在议论着什么。于是,他挤进人群想探个究竟,可刚看到“租房启事”四个大字时,手机忽然响了,拿出手机一看,是个陌生号码,他接起来刚喂了一声,就听对方火急火燎地问:“喂,你好,是王先生吗?听说你有个房子要出租?”  王东觉得莫名其妙:“你打错了吧!我没房子出租啊。”  只听那边疑惑地说:“没打错呀!你这号码不是
《华东电力》2003年第9期,P3~13作者:国电华东公司徐航、张启平等 2003年8月14日发生在美国和加拿大东部互联系统的大面积停电事故被认为是有电力系统以来最严重的电网事故之