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试读下例:President Clinton of the USA-To copulate(性交),he finds interns(实习生).该例于2003年9月1日摘自网上(网址:http://www.wordsmith.org/ana-gram/),源于The Tronto Globe and Mail杂志上的一篇文章。那么,此例中左右两边词语有何关联?初读之下,读者朋友一定会记忆犹新:美国前总统BillClinton曾与白宫女实习生Monica Lewensky有染的“Monicagate”(该词见 The following example reads: President Clinton of the USA-To copulate, he finds interns (intern). This example was taken from the Internet on September 1, 2003 (website: http://www.wordsmith.org/ana -gram/), stems from an article in The Tronto Globe and Mail magazine. So, what’s the relationship between the right and left words in this case? Under the first reading, the reader’s friends will remember it: the former President Bill Clinton once had a “Monicagate” with the White House female trainee Monica Lewensky (see
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